New Australian website predicts chance of IVF success

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Monash IVF research combine acoustic waves and fluid dynamics

A new Australian website lets hopeful couples and women predict their chances of having a baby.

The YourIVFSuccess website is a federal government-funded online tool helping would-be parents estimate their chance of IVF success. It also compares the success rates of every Australian IVF clinic.

The website includes an IVF Success Estimator which gives a percentage chance of having a baby. This is calculated based on age and other factors. The website also, for the first time, allows prospective parents to compare the success rates of Australian IVF clinics.

IVF Success Estimator

“The YourIVFSuccess website will help people estimate their chances of success through this treatment so that they can make the decisions which are right for them,” said Health and Aged Care Minister Greg Hunt.

“It allows people to access information based on real-world statistical information collected from patients who have undergone IVF treatment.”

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IVF website

The website measures the success rate of IVF clinics across four areas, including births per embryo transferred and births per individual attempt. It means being able to find the IVF clinic with the highest success rate in your area, for your particular situation.

“The website means infertile Australians will no longer be flying blind when they choose a clinic; they can use it to research and view the performance of each fertility clinic, to understand their own prospects of success, and to make an informed choice,” explained Senator for South Australia Stirling Griff.

One in six Australian couples face difficulty in starting a family. In 2016/17 more than 13,500 IVF babies were born in Australia.

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