There’s no better place to start when naming a child than the very first letter of the alphabet. Names starting with the letter A are abundant and, quite frankly, awesome. Whether you’re looking for a classic, trendy, or unique name, the letter A has it all—and we have a mega list to prove it.
First on the class roll call, A names offer plenty of choices. While you’ll find timeless classics like Alex and Albert, many of the most popular names today also start with A, including Archie and Aiden. But when we asked our extensive social community to share their favourite A names, they surprised us with some of the most unique and unexpected monikers we’ve ever heard.
So hop on the alphabet train, but don’t get too comfy, because the first stop is coming right up.
A Names with a Theme
If you’re stuck for inspiration, names with a theme are a great place to start. And the letter A is bursting with options that range from conservative to crazy-cool.
Whether you’re looking for nature-inspired names, place names that conjure up memories, or names inspired by famous icons, A has you covered.
- Nature inspired: Aspen, Aire, Ash, Alder, Ari, Arbor, Aster
- Water-inspired: Azure, Anchor, Aqua, Andaman, Aeron
- Royal: Archie, Albert, Alexander, Augustus, Arthur, Ambrose, Alfonso
- Short and sweet: Alec, Arlo, Aury, Aoi, AJ, Asa, Abe, Acer, Alf
- Music inspired: Axl, Akon, Andre, Art, Avicii, Angus, Abel, Antony
- Gender neutral: Alex, Andy, Alby, Atlas, Avery, Armani, Aubrey, Ainsley
- Places: Albany, Albury, Africa, Auckland, Athens, Andes, Avalon
- Biblical: Aaron, Adam, Abraham, Ashriel, Amos, Ardon
Unique A Names
If you don’t mind spelling it out, the letter A offers a wealth of unique names that will turn heads. Here are some of the most distinctive A names you’re unlikely to find on the playground:
- Aaryav
- Amryn
- Atreyu
- Ayrton
- Aemon
- Anakin
- Arllen
- Aage
- Adeleke
- Aaro
Alternative Spellings for A Names
Mix things up with alternative spellings for classic A names. The first letter of the alphabet doesn’t have to be common:
- Adam: Adem, Adom, Addom, Adim
- Adrian: Adriean, Adrien, Adrion, Adrionne, Adryan, Adryn, Adryon
- Alastair: Alasdair, Alastair, Alastaire, Alasteir, Alaster, Alastor, Allaster
- Aaron: Aron, Aren, Arjun, Arren, Arron, Aaryn
- Alexander: Aleksander, Alexzander, Alixander, Alexandr
Characters Starting With A
They’re the characters we know and love, and what better place to get name inspiration than from the pages of a book or the flicker of the screen:
- Atticus: Best known as the main character from To Kill A Mockingbird
- Akeem: The lovable and funny main character from Coming to America
- Agustín: From Disney’s Encanto, a stately name with charm
- Ace: The short, sharp name from Ace Ventura suits families that like a bit of fun
- Anakin: Star Wars devotees might want to consider this name, meaning “warrior”
- Aslan: The mighty lion from The Chronicles of Narnia
- Aragorn: The heroic king from The Lord of the Rings
- Apollo: The god of music and poetry in Greek mythology, also seen in Rocky movies
Celebrities Sons Starting With A
Celebrities are known for choosing unique and memorable names for their children. Here are some famous examples that might inspire you:
- Jessica Simpson’s son, Ace
- Shannyn Sossaman and Dallas Clayton’s son, Audio
- Peaches Geldof’s son, Astala
- Moana Hope’s son, Ahi
- Claudia Karvan’s son, Albee
- Kylie Jenner’s son, Aire
- George Clooney’s son, Alexander
- Mandy Moore’s son, August
- Rosamund Pike’s son, Atom
- Pippa Middleton’s son, Arthur
- Nadia Bartel’s son, Aston
- Natalie Portman’s son, Aleph
- Princess Eugenie’s son, August
- Meghan Markle’s son, Archie
- Tiffiny Hall’s son, Arnie
- Julia Stiles’ son, Arlo
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Our favourite A name is: Aston
More Names That Start with A
- Andrew
- Aaron
- Axel
- Amir
- Ayden
- Antoniox
- Alan
- Adonis
- Angelo
- Aziel
- Alijah
- Adan
- Alexis
- Ayaan
- Alonzo
- Armando
- Abram
- Augustine
- Aarav
- Arturo
- Ander
- Ambrose
- Alden
- Alec
- Alberto
- Aron
- Amiri
- Alonso
- Avi
- Ameer
- Azrael
- Alaric
- Anders
- Aydin
- Alfred
- Avyaan
- Azriel
- Anthony
- Adrian
- Angel
- Archer
- Ashton
- Adriel
- Amari
- Alejandro
- Andres
- Atticus
- Andre
- Anderson
- Ali
- Armani
- Apollo
- Augustus
- Andy
- Asa
- Ares
- Allen
- Ariel
- Arjun
- Axton
- Alessandro
- Atreus
- Abdiel
- Anakin
- Azariah
- Ahmed
- Aden
- Ahmad
- Alfredo
- Amias
- Alvin
- Aryan
- Alvaro
- Allan
- Alfonso
- Arian
- Alistair
- Aries
- Ayan
- Aahron
- Aakash
- Aalam
- Aamer
- Aamir
- Aaran
- Aaren
- Aarin
- Ab
- Abad
- Abba
- Abban
- Abbas
- Abbe
- Abbey
- Abbie
- Abboid
- Abbot
- Abby
- Abdulaziz
- Abednego
- Abelard
- Abelardo
- Abelhard
- Abell
- Aberham
- Abhay
- Abhaya
- Abhijeet
- Abhiram
- Abhorson
- Abie
- Abijah
- Abilard
- Abna
- Abnar
- Abner
- Abnor
- Abo
- Abra
- Abrahaim
- Abrahame
- Abrahamo
- Abrahan
- Abraheem
- Abrahem
- Abrahim
- Abrahm
- Abrahon
- Abrahsa
- Abramo
- Absalon
- Abtin
- Abuna
- Acacio
- Acer
- Acey
- Achachak
- Achan
- Achill
- Achille
- Achillea
- Achilleo
- Achilles
- Achmad
- Achmed
- Achuta
- Acie
- Ackley
- Acquilla
- Acton
- Acura
- Ad
- Adahy
- Adair
- Adalai
- Adalard
- Adalbert
- Adalgiso
- Adalverto
- Adamec
- Adamek
- Adamik
- Adamo
- Adams
- Adamson
- Adamu
- Adao
- Adar
- Adare
- Adarian
- Addai
- Addam
- Addams
- Addar
- Addem
- Addie
- Addis
- Addisen
- Addison
- Addisun
- Addler
- Addy
- Addyson
- Ade
- Adelard
- Adelbert
- Adelfried
- Adelino
- Adelmio
- Adelmo
- Adem
- Ademaro
- Adeodatus
- Adger
- Adham
- Adhamh
- Adian
- Adie
- Adin
- Adison
- Adisson
- Aditya
- Adlai
- Adlar
- Adley
- Admon
- Adnet
- Adney
- Adnon
- Adnot
- Adny
- Adolf
- Adolfo
- Adolfus
- Adolph
- Adolphe
- Adolphus
- Adon
- Adorjan
- Adrain
- Adred
- Adreian
- Adreyan
- Adriane
- Adriann
- Adrianne
- Adriano
- Adrianus
- Adyson
- Aeary
- Aedan
- Aegeon
- Aemilius
- Aeneas
- Aeron
- Affonso
- Affton
- Afram
- Afrate
- Africa
- Afro
- Afton
- Agamemnon
- Agapetus
- Agar
- Agatho
- Ager
- Agosto
- Agrippa
- Ahab
- Ahamad
- Ahamed
- Ahanu
- Aharon
- Aherin
- Ahern
- Aherne
- Ahlois
- Ahmaad
- Ahmaud
- Ahmet
- Ahmik
- Ahran
- Ahren
- Ahron
- Ahura
- Aicken
- Aiken
- Aikin
- Ailbert
- Ailfrid
- Aimil
- Aimon
- Aimond
- Aindrea
- Aineislis
- Airamis
- Airle
- Aitan
- Aj
- Aja
- Ajae
- Ajai
- Ajatashatru
- Ajax
- Ajay
- Ajaye
- Ajee
- Ajit
- Akaash
- Akamu
- Akanah
- Akasha
- Akbar
- Akecheta
- Akemi
- Akil
- Akilles
- Akim
- Akio
- Akira
- Akiyo
- Aksel
- Aksell
- Akshaj
- Akshay
- Akshaya
- Al
- Alain
- Alakesander
- Alam
- Alarbus
- Alard
- Alarick
- Alarico
- Alarik
- Alasdair
- Alastair
- Alastaire
- Alasteir
- Alaster
- Alastor
- Albain
- Alban
- Albany
- Albean
- Albein
- Alben
- Albertine
- Albertus
- Albin
- Albrecht
- Albyrt
- Albyrte
- Alcander
- Alcandor
- Alcibiades
- Alcindor
- Alcot
- Alcott
- Aldair
- Aldan
- Aldean
- Alder
- Aldin
- Aldo
- Aldous
- Aldred
- Aldren
- Aldric
- Aldrich
- Aldrick
- Aldridge
- Aldrige
- Aldritch
- Aldrych
- Alds
- Aldus
- Aldwin
- Aleck
- Aleister
- Alejo
- Alek
- Alekanekelo
- Aleks
- Aleksander
- Aleksandr
- Aleksanteri
- Aleksey
- Aleksi
- Aleksy
- Aleric
- Aleron
- Ales
- Alesandro
- Alexandre
- Alexandrukas
- Alexas
- Alexei
- Alexio
- Aleyn
- Alfaeus
- Alfeo
- Alfeos
- Alfeus
- Alfie
- Alfons
- Alfonse
- Alfonsus
- Alfonza
- Alfonzo
- Alford
- Alfric
- Alfrid
- Algar
- Algenon
- Alger
- Algernon
- Algie
- Algin
- Algon
- Alice
- Alick
- Alik
- Alkeos
- Alkibiades
- Allard
- Allaric
- Allarick
- Alldric
- Alldrich
- Alldrick
- Alldridge
- Allgar
- Allie
- Allon
- Allston
- Allysdair
- Almas
- Alo
- Aloess
- Alois
- Aloisio
- Alosius
- Aloys
- Aloysius
- Alphaeus
- Alpheaus
- Alphoeus
- Alphonse
- Alphonsus
- Alphus
- Alric
- Alrick
- Alrik
- Alston
- Altair
- Alton
- Alun
- Alva
- Alvah
- Alvert
- Alvertos
- Alvis
- Alviss
- Alwyn
- Aly
- Alyc
- Alyck
- Alyk
- Alysander
- Alystair
- Alzen
- Amad
- Amadeo
- Amadeus
- Amadis
- Amado
- Amahd
- Amahl
- Amal
- Amanaman
- Amand
- Amandio
- Amando
- Amandus
- Amaniel
- Amanin
- Amar
- Amaraja
- Amaraji
- Amaral
- Amaran
- Amarand
- Amarande
- Amarant
- Amarapa
- Amarbir
- Amarco
- Amarcus
- Amard
- Amardad
- Amardev
- Amardip
- Amardit
- Amardo
- Amare
- Amaree
- Amareet
- Amareh
- Amaren
- Amares
- Amaresa
- Amaresh
- Amarfis
- Amargi
- Amaria
- Amariah
- Amarian
- Amariea
- Amaril
- Amarin
- Amario
- Amariy
- Amarja
- Amarjit
- Amaro
- Amarok
- Amaroo
- Amaroq
- Amaros
- Amarri
- Amarsa
- Amarth
- Amarti
- Amaru
- Amarya
- Amator
- Amaury
- Ambie
- Ambroise
- Ambros
- Ambrosi
- Ambrosio
- Ambrosius
- Amed
- Amedeo
- Americo
- Americus
- Amerigo
- Amery
- Ames
- Amherst
- Amiel
- Amiens
- Amire
- Amit
- Amitan
- Ammiel
- Amon
- Amor
- Amory
- Amose
- Amram
- Amreet
- Amrem
- Amrym
- Amun
- Amund
- Amyr
- An
- Ana
- Anacletus
- Anakletos
- Analu
- Anand
- Ananda
- Ananias
- Anant
- Ananth
- Anas
- Anastacio
- Anastacios
- Anastagio
- Anastas
- Anastase
- Anastasi
- Anastice
- Anastisis
- Anath
- Anathony
- Anatol
- Anatole
- Anatoley
- Anatoli
- Anatolio
- Anatoliy
- Anatoly
- Anay
- Ancel
- Ancell
- Ancelot
- Andersen
- Andery
- Andie
- Andonis
- Andor
- Andrae
- Andreas
- Andrei
- Andrews
- Andromeda
- Andros
- Andru
- Andrue
- Andrzej
- Anfernee
- Ange
- Angelico
- Angell
- Angil
- Angus
- Angyl
- Anibal
- Aniceta
- Anicetta
- Anicetus
- Anis
- Anish
- Anitoly
- Anker
- Ankh haf
- Ankhhaf
- Ankur
- Annan
- Annas
- Anniceta
- Annicetta
- Anoop
- Anothony
- Anschel
- Ansel
- Anselm
- Anson
- Ansonia
- Anstice
- Ansun
- Antajuan
- Antanee
- Antanie
- Antavas
- Antenee
- Antenor
- Anterus
- Anthan
- Anthany
- Anthey
- Anthjuan
- Anthney
- Anthone
- Anthonee
- Anthoney
- Anthonie
- Anthonio
- Anthonou
- Anthoy
- Antigonus
- Antiochus
- Antione
- Antipholus
- Antjuan
- Antoine
- Anton
- Antoni
- Antonius
- Antony
- Antuan
- Anup
- Apemantus
- Apenimon
- Apollos
- Apolo
- Apolonio
- Apostolos
- Appollo
- Aquarius
- Aquil
- Aquila
- Aquilas
- Aquiles
- Aquilino
- Aquilla
- Aquille
- Aquillino
- Ara
- Aragorn
- Arali
- Aram
- Aramia
- Aramis
- Aramys
- Arandis
- Aranne
- Arash
- Arcadia
- Arcadian
- Arcadicus
- Arcadien
- Arcangello
- Arcangelo
- Arch
- Archangelo
- Arche
- Archelaus
- Archibald
- Archibaldo
- Archibold
- Archy
- Ardalan
- Ardan
- Ardelia
- Arden
- Ardene
- Ardian
- Ardie
- Ardin
- Ardis
- Ardn
- Ardon
- Arel
- Areliano
- Arelk
- Aren
- Aretino
- Arey
- Argus
- Aric
- Arie
- Arien
- Ariez
- Arin
- Ario
- Arion
- Arione
- Aristedes
- Aristeed
- Aristide
- Aristidis
- Aristito
- Aristo
- Aristokles
- Aristotelis
- Aristotle
- Arjen
- Arjin
- Arjuna
- Arjune
- Arkady
- Arky
- Arland
- Arledge
- Arleigh
- Arlen
- Arles
- Arley
- Arlidge
- Arlie
- Arliss
- Arlledge
- Arly
- Arlyss
- Armad
- Arman
- Armand
- Armanno
- Armaude
- Armenta
- Armon
- Armond
- Armondo
- Armstrong
- Arnald
- Arnaldo
- Arnan
- Arnaud
- Arnault
- Arndt
- Arne
- Arnel
- Arnell
- Arness
- Arnie
- Arno
- Arnold
- Arnoll
- Arnon
- Arnot
- Arnulfo
- Aronne
- Arra
- Arram
- Arran
- Arrigo
- Arron
- Arsenio
- Arsenius
- Arsenyo
- Arsinio
- Arsinyo
- Arslan
- Art
- Arta
- Artair
- Arte
- Artek
- Arth
- Arthor
- Artie
- Artur
- Arturis
- Arty
- Aruiragus
- Arundel
- Arvid
- Arwen
- Aryon
- Asaa
- Asad
- Asadel
- Asadour
- Asael
- Ase
- Aseem
- Ashar
- Ashbel
- Ashby
- Ashe
- Asheley
- Ashelie
- Ashford
- Ashkii
- Ashlan
- Ashleigh
- Ashlen
- Ashley
- Ashlie
- Ashlin
- Ashling
- Ashlinn
- Ashlone
- Ashly
- Ashor
- Ashten
- Ashur
- Asija
- Asim
- Aslan
- Asmodel
- Asphar
- Assa
- Asser
- Asten
- Aster
- Astin
- Asuman
- Asvin
- Atalik
- Atash
- Athan
- Athanasios
- Athanasius
- Atharvan
- Athelstan
- Athol
- Athos
- Atila
- Atilio
- Atilla
- Atlea
- Atlee
- Atleigh
- Atley
- Atli
- Atohi
- Attal
- Attila
- Attilah
- Attilio
- Attley
- Atul
- Atwell
- Auberon
- Auberron
- Aubert
- Aubin
- Auburn
- Auden
- Audi
- Audie
- Audiel
- Audio
- Audley
- Audo
- Audrew
- Audric
- Audrick
- Audrik
- Audy
- Augie
- Augusta
- Auguste
- Augustina
- Augwynne
- Aulii
- Aurek
- Aurel
- Aurele
- Aurelian
- Aurelio
- Aurelius
- Aurey
- Auriga
- Aurthar
- Aurther
- Aurthur
- Auryn
- Austan
- Austen
- Austun
- Autolocus
- Autolycus
- Autolykos
- Avary
- Avel
- Averel
- Averell
- Averey
- Averi
- Averie
- Averiel
- Averil
- Averill
- Averyl
- Averyll
- Avice
- Avicus
- Avis
- Avner
- Avon
- Avraham
- Avram
- Avrel
- Avrell
- Avrey
- Avrom
- Avry
- Avryll
- Awarnach
- Ax
- Axe
- Axell
- Axil
- Axill
- Axtel
- Axyle
- Ayers
- Ayken
- Aymil
- Aymon
- Azad

Join the conversation
Looking for a boy name that starts with A and still haven’t found one on our list? Head over to our social page, and take a look at the original post, there are more than 1,000 names for boys that start with A in the comments.
We’ve got the scoop on the best baby names for boys or girls. Explore our extensive baby name collections for popular names, unique names, names from around the globe, and top names for boys or girl names.
Read next …
- 827 names that start with E for Boys
- 759 names that start with J for Boys
- 693 names that start with H for Boys
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