Re-creating family photos: then and now

Posted in Family.

Re-created family photos: then and now

Here’s a trend you might want to latch on to just in time for Christmas: re-creating childhood family photos. Inspired by artist Irinia Wering‘s Back to the Future project, people all over the world are digging through grainy family snaps and scouring op-shops for vintage clothes to perfectly re-enact scenes from their past.

Apart from being a bit of fun, they make a sweet nostalgic gift for parents and grandparents.

Here are a few of our favourites:


Re-created family photos: then and now


Re-create family photos, then and now


Re-creating family photos: then and now


Re-creating family photos: then and now

(Above: Mother and daughter, 32 years apart)


Re-creating family photos: then and now


Re-creating family photos: then and now


Recreating family photos

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