6 tips for studying smarter when you’re a parent
Becoming a parent is all about new beginnings – a new life comes into this world and a new (bigger!) family is created! These new […]

13 (more) Kmart hacks for kids’ rooms
Kmart, one of Australia’s favourite budget department stores, has definitely picked up their game when it comes to sourcing cool homewares and kids products, but […]

13 Valentine’s Day activities for the little ones you love!
The perfume of red roses is wafting, the boxes of chocolates are zipping off the shelves and cupid is busy notching his arrows, all in […]

Pregnant Ladies Rejoice! Chocolate Boosts Foetal Growth
Thank you, scientists, for giving us the justification we have been looking for to consume chocolate during pregnancy! A recent study has suggested that daily […]

Gift boxes to make you giddy!
There are few things as lovely as celebrating the arrival of a new little person and the creation (or expansion!) of a family. Then comes […]

Fun, family-friendly events to celebrate the Chinese New Year
There’s nothing more Australian than enjoying a great party, and we’re happy to report that Chinese New Year celebrations are kicking off this weekend. Based […]

Curl Care: 6 Tear-Free Solutions for Curly Hair
Could there be anything cuter than a curly-headed kid? Bouncy, soft ringlets framing a jolly face. But parents of little curlies know the pain that […]

A line of giant dominoes comes to Melbourne
Arts Centre Melbourne presents – Dominoes On Saturday 6 February Arts Centre Melbourne’s Dominoes arts project will see thousands of concrete breezeblocks winding along paths […]

19 Delicious Nutella Recipes to Savour
Nutella – there’s simply nothing else quite like it. Spread it onto crepes, sandwich it between two cookies, wrap it in flaky pastry or grab […]

21 ways to throw an ice cream party
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM! The delicious frozen treat is a favourite with the youngsters and a super simple party to […]

13 wow-worthy hacks of the Kmart kids kitchen
Move over IKEA, the Kmart Hack is currently reigning supreme! Here at Mum’s Grapevine we love a good hack and it seems Kmart fans do […]

Book List: 10 books to help learn sight words
One of the best things we can do to prepare our little darlings for independent reading is help them to recognise sight words. Sometimes called ‘popcorn words’, […]

Be amazed at Enchanted Adventure Garden
Enchanted Adventure Garden Getting there 55 Purves Road Arthurs Seat Vic 3936 Open 9am – 6pm Weekends and school holidays 9am with variable closing times […]

7 no-bake slices for the lunch box
We all like a little treat in our lunch box, especially when we’ve made it ourselves. For times when there simply aren’t enough hours in […]

13 fun ways to learn the first 100 sight words
We can prepare our kids for reading by helping them learn their sight words. These 100 sight words are high frequency words that make up […]