Anita has 25 years media experience. For the past 16 years, she's been immersed in the parenting field, researching and writing everything from breaking news to potty training tricks. Anita lives in regional Victoria with her husband and two boys.

Alex Nation welcomes baby number 3 in beautiful belly birth
Model and former Bachelor contestant Alexandra Nation has welcomed her third child, a little Taurian girl, via a beautiful belly birth. Baby Pearl joins brother […]

Q&A: How soon after my waters break will I go into labour?
If you believe what you see in the movies, the first sign of labour is a climatic gushing of water (usually somewhere public). But in […]

How to use reflexology to calm an upset baby
We all know baby feet are adorable, but did you know they can also be your secret weapon when it comes to calming babies who […]

A letter from your newborn
If our tiny newborns could talk, this is what they’d say to us if they could talk. Soak it up, take it in and remember […]

Everything you need to know about inducing labour
You’ve been patiently counting down to your due date and it’s come … and gone. Welcome to the first rule of parenting: babies do everything […]

Q&A: Is It Safe to Paint the Nursery While Pregnant?
You’re probably itching to start decorating your little bird’s nest. But the niggling worry about paint fumes during pregnancy may have curbed your interior decorator […]

Q&A: When can I swim after a vaginal birth?
Queesland-based Mum’s Grapevine Due Date group member Jess is hot and bothered after giving birth, and really wants to take a dip. But she’s not […]

Q&A: If I have a peanut allergy, will my baby have one too?
For a little one starting out on their baby food journey, it’s an exciting time – there is a whole new world of tastes and […]

Q&A: Can I have my toenails painted if I’m having a c-section?
It might seem like a strange question, but it’s one mums prepping for c-sections in the Mum’s Grapevine baby Facebook groups are tossing around. And it […]

22 things to know before having a c-section
Counting down to a c-section is equal parts butterflies-in-the-belly excitement, anxious nerves and wondering what is going to happen afterwards. We’ve asked the experts – […]

5 fuss-free ways to up your family’s veggie intake
Want some quick, simple ways to get your fussy eater scoffing vegetables with gusto? We thought so. How about fuss free ways to increase the […]

Biljana’s ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ Baby Shower
Biljana friends and family could eat her up they love her so – which is why they decided to throw her the most magnificent Where […]

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have welcomed baby no. 4
Well, it looks like the Lively/Reynolds household may or may not have grown in size without anyone realising it. In true Blake Lively and Ryan […]

The ultimate mum hack saving you money (and time)
Smart mummas are saving time and money by changing the way they shop for baby. Say goodbye to making it to the shops only to […]

Moana Hope and Isabella Carlstrom welcome second baby
Moana Hope and Isabella Carlstrom have properly introduced their brand new addition to the world. With a set of very real and incredibly beautiful photos […]