Anita has 25 years media experience. For the past 16 years, she's been immersed in the parenting field, researching and writing everything from breaking news to potty training tricks. Anita lives in regional Victoria with her husband and two boys.

An open letter to loved ones before you visit our baby
Dear friends and family, It’s almost time for us to welcome our little bundle of joy, and we know that you’re just as excited as […]

50 Easy Ways To Help Increase Breast Milk Supply
It’s a beautiful thing when you get your breastfeeding groove – latch is sorted, you’ve found a great breastfeeding position that you both love and each feed is […]

The Baby Sleep Hack Sending Mums Into A Spin
There are times we’re so desperate for our precious bundles to close their eyes and snooze, that our creativity knows no bounds. Just like mum […]

Q&A: How many times should I lose my mucus plug?
There are all sorts of weird and wonderful things going on down below throughout pregnancy, including the mucus plug. Lots of expecting mums assume losing […]

What Makes July Babies So Special (And Moody?!)
Got a little lion born in July? These courageous beings are ready to roar, so be prepared for a bright spark with plenty of spunk. […]

Study finds baby kicking at night is a good sign
For expecting mums heading into the home stretch, knowing what’s normal when it comes to baby’s movements has just become easier. A new study has […]

What actually happens to a baby’s head during birth
Ever wondered how ‘that’ is going to get out of ‘there’? Well, science has just lifted the lid on another fascinating birth phenomenon. Experts have […]

The Toy Story photo shoot with infinite cute factor
Just when we thought newborn photo shoots couldn’t get any cuter, along comes the most adorable Space Ranger and cowboy we ever did see. Karen […]

23 seriously cool Kmart cubby house hacks
Crafty parents are pimping the hottest cubby going around, transforming the popular Kmart wooden cubby house into a thing of beauty. With just a lick […]

50 ridiculous reasons behind toddler tantrums
Ah, toddlers, such curious little creatures who’ll chuck a tantrum quicker than you can incorrectly cut their sandwich. From lamenting that their ice cream is […]

Mum Tip: How to store birthday cards
Got a pile of ‘welcome to the world’ cards sitting in a drawer? Here’s a creative way to turn them into something special. Just a […]

Birth Story: Meekay’s Dramatic 27-Hour Labour
A first-time mum, Meekay didn’t know what to expect when it was time to give birth, but it certainly wasn’t 27 hours in labour, a […]

New mums gifted baby bundle in Victoria
From this month new parents in Victoria will get a special delivery when they welcome their first bundle of joy. First-time mums and dads are […]

New Mum Starts Lactating From Her Vulva
It’s tricky enough to get the hang of breastfeeding, but a second-time mum in Austria got the shock of her life when she discovered that […]

Birth Story: Rockstar mum gives birth at Pink concert
There are diehard fans, and then there’s rockstar mum Denise Jones, who gave birth at a Pink concert in England this week. As the opening […]