Anita has 25 years media experience. For the past 16 years, she's been immersed in the parenting field, researching and writing everything from breaking news to potty training tricks. Anita lives in regional Victoria with her husband and two boys.

Birth Story: Four Siblings Witness Brother’s Unassisted Homebirth
Kristy and Alan always knew they wanted a big family and after their fourth bub, they thought their tribe was complete. But their little surprise […]

Birth Story: ‘My Pregnancy Almost Killed Me’
Kristy admits accepting her pregnancy as a single mum wasn’t easy, but her growing bump gave her a strength she didn’t know she had. She […]

Identical Twins Due Within a Day of Each Other
Identical twin sisters Katie Colling and Nicki Stephens have always been close, and now in an incredible coincidence, they’re due to give birth within a […]

Q&A: When should I start sleeping on my side?
Getting comfy in bed with a baby bump can be tricky, but did you know that certain sleep positions during pregnancy are unsafe for bub? Here’s […]

10 newborn photos to take at the hospital
There’s nothing quite like a tiny newborn, fresh into the world all sleepy and so very sweet. Those first few hours are perfect for capturing […]

Mum’s Warning After Baby Dies from Cold Sore
The common cold sore virus stole the life of Sydney mum Jess Buchanan’s newborn, and she’s determined no other parents suffer the same heartbreaking loss. Now […]

The Book of Everyone: A clever personalised book about you
Kiddos love anything with their name on it – but a whole book all about their little life? Well, that’s just genius. The Book of […]

Baby Joy for Family Who Lost Son in Tragic Choking Accident
A Tasmanian family who tragically lost their young son after he choked earlier this year has welcomed a baby boy. In February Anna Davis revealed […]

How to Prepare Your Breasts for Breastfeeding
We spend a large proportion of our time leading up to the birth preparing. We’re designing the nursery, picking the pram, baby proofing the house […]

7 fascinating third-trimester baby facts
Hello home stretch – it’s been six months of baby growing and for mum and bub, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Just […]

Village with 450+ Sets of Twins Baffles Scientists
There’s already something magical about twins, but a tiny village in India is adding a whole new level of mystery to multiple births. With just […]

Poor Pregnancy Sleep May Affect Unborn Baby’s Health
Tossing, turning and tuning into Netflix at all hours of the night is part and parcel of pregnancy insomnia and a new Australian study has […]

4 Heart-Pounding Homebirth Videos You Need to See
There’s something truly magical about having a baby surrounded by all the things and the people you love most. Here are seven homebirths that will […]

8 tips for bathing a baby and toddler together
Soapy siblings getting squeaky clean together can be a challenge, especially when you’re own your own. So we asked the Mum’s Grapevine community of been-there-done-that […]

Why Some Mums Lick Their Babies After Birth
It’s a tender moment snapped just seconds after birth – a mum cradling her newborn, but instead of kissing her baby, this mum gently licks […]