Anita has 25 years media experience. For the past 16 years, she's been immersed in the parenting field, researching and writing everything from breaking news to potty training tricks. Anita lives in regional Victoria with her husband and two boys.

Mums Review HelloFresh Meal Boxes: Convenient & Tasty
Delicious family meals, deliciously simple. HelloFresh takes the effort out of dinnertime by creating mouthwatering recipes and doing the shopping for you. Everything you need […]

The Hidden Truth: Size of the Uterine Wound After Birth
Grab a side plate from your kitchen and place it on your belly. That is the size of the wound left on your uterus after […]

13 a-door-able DIY Easter wreaths
With a twinkle in his nose and a hop in his step, it’s not too long before the Easter bunny arrives at your door. Give […]

Woman Gives Birth in the Red Sea, Emerges Like a Goddess
It’s the water birth with a great big twist – the incredible moment a woman emerges from the Red Sea, just minutes after giving birth […]

New research: Women most likely to give birth before they reach hospital
Australian researchers have discovered why some mums have their babies before getting to the hospital, revealing the five types of women who are more likely […]

16 Unique Baby Shower Guest Book Ideas You’ll Love
It’s time to let the love rain down on you and your beautiful bump with a baby shower that brings together all of your special people […]

Mums-to-be can now hold a 3D model of their unborn baby
If nine months is just too long to wait to hold your bub, how about cradling a 3D model of your unborn child? According to Russian […]

Why HelloFresh is so good for families
Having a delish meal on the table at the end of the day is one of life’s joys – but for a busy mum, deciding […]

Q&A: When Can I Go Swimming After a C-Section?
C-section mummas in the Mum’s Grapevine Due Date Groups are debating whether they can go swimming soon after giving birth. Mum’s Grapevine had a quick […]

WIN a nursing chair from Pottery Barn Kids
Every nursery needs a nursing chair as its crowning glory, and we’re treating one lucky family to a throne worthy of royalty – the Modern […]

Swiss company inventing original baby names for a $36,000 fee
If you’re struggling to name your bub, there’s a crack team of experts who are happy to invent one for you – for a $36,000 […]

Empowering Language in Birthing Suites: Why It Matters
Midwives and doctors are being encouraged to use less insensitive language, to help birthing women feel more empowered. Phrases like ‘big baby‘, ‘failed induction’ and […]

Birth Story: Miracle Sextuplets Born 10 Weeks Early
Six tiny bundles, forming the most beautiful rainbow. Born more than 10 weeks early, the fraternal siblings have just arrived home – and their first […]

Push for new mums to get free tummy tucks
An Australian plastic surgeon is calling for free mummy tummy tucks to help ease post-partum pain. Dr Alastair Taylo claims tummy tucks have helped his […]

Listeria warning: pregnant women urged to avoid rockmelon
UPDATED, MARCH 18, 2018: A woman has suffered a miscarriage and three Victorians have now died from a listeria outbreak linked to rockmelons grown in […]