Anita has 25 years media experience. For the past 16 years, she's been immersed in the parenting field, researching and writing everything from breaking news to potty training tricks. Anita lives in regional Victoria with her husband and two boys.

Virgin Australia teddy bears helping kids in need
Little ones find so much comfort in a snuggling with a cuddly toy. Even kids who have had their lives turned upside down find peace […]

Rush hour: the heart-stopping birth in a hospital corridor
This is a birth that’s much like pregnancy itself – a slow build with a huge rush at the end. Jes Hogan had laboured for […]

Birth Story: Mum’s Gut Instinct Saves Newborn from Meningitis
A mother’s instinct is an incredible thing – and as Melbourne mum Jaime discovered, it can be lifesaving. The mum-of-three knew something wasn’t right with […]

Why you should join an online pregnancy or mums’ group
The moment we give birth, we all join a pretty special club. It’s the motherhood village, and it’s packed with millions of mums we’ll never […]

Q&A: When should I lower the cot base?
Your sweet little one finally rolls over, and they may as well have won Wimbledon – it’s a bursting-with-pride kind of moment! It seems like […]

Make Adorable Koala Biscuits: Easy & Fun Recipe
Ah, Australia – a sunburnt land of boundless plains and the strangest (but oh-so-cute) creatures on the planet. We’re celebrating Australia Day with the easiest, […]

Birth Story: Hypnobirthing helps mum give birth in car
As a hypnobirthing practitioner, Melissa Ayling was well prepared for the arrival of her second child – both physically and physiologically. But what she never expected […]

Research reveals language skills develop better if dads read to kids
A snuggle and bedtime story is food for the soul and the minds of little ones. And it’s now been revealed that dads who read […]

Enrique Iglesias & Anna Kournikova Welcome Twins
Hold onto your ovaries, things are about to get super cute around here! Singer Enrique Iglesias and former tennis ace Anna Kournikova have finally revealed […]

8 Top Products to Keep Baby Cool in Summer
As beautiful as the warm weather is, 40 plus degree days make for sweaty, sooky babies. Rather than retreating to the indoors, embrace the season […]

Effective Pregnancy Heartburn Remedies: 5 Proven Solutions
There are so many amazing pregnancy symptoms that make every day of the nine-month journey a joy. And then there’s heartburn. There’s no need to suffer in […]

Bednest co-sleeper bassinet keeps baby within reach
Having a stirring babe within easy reach makes for lightning-quick, comforting cuddles. The Bednest co-sleeper bassinet is so cleverly designed, it feels like baby is sleeping […]

11 Signs That Baby Is Latched And Sucking Properly
Getting a newborn baby to latch properly when breastfeeding takes practice, but there are ways to tell if it’s being done right. These handy signs […]

The Clever Way To Stop Baby Losing Dummy At Night
A clever mum has come up with an expert-level hack to end dead-of-night dummy recovery missions, and it’s so simple, you’ll be able to try […]

12 Refreshing and Healthy Frozen Treats for Hot Days
Running under sprinklers and hanging out in backyards with icy-poles melting down chubby little arms is a rite of passage for every kid growing up […]