Anita has 25 years media experience. For the past 16 years, she's been immersed in the parenting field, researching and writing everything from breaking news to potty training tricks. Anita lives in regional Victoria with her husband and two boys.

How to make a toddler finger food tray
The toddler finger food tray is a simple technique to get toddlers to try new foods. It’s a really great way to make meal times fun for […]

First trimester genetic testing: what you need to know
One of the most important decisions you’ll be faced with in your first trimester is which, if any, genetic testing you wanted to undertake in […]

5 amazing life skills kids learn through music
Music is a huge part of the learning puzzle for toddlers, so it’s fortunate that they just love to shake what their mumma gave ’em! […]

Mum keeps it real after having Irish twins
Falling pregnant just weeks after having her first baby, Maya Vorderstrasse is one busy mumma. She’s also hilarious. The American mum’s Instagram account is peppered with images […]

Vitamin Found to Prevent Miscarriages & Birth Defects
A world-first Australian breakthrough could end the miscarriage heartache for millions of women every year. Simply taking vitamin B3 can significantly reduce miscarriages and birth defects, […]

Try The ‘Lost Sleep Calculator’ For Tired Parents
Whoever came up with the phrase ‘sleeping like a baby’ obviously didn’t have one. Our gorgeous cherubs are, of course, the light of our lives, but […]

The childcare centre letting kids nap outside in all weather
Aussie kids are curling up for naps on pine bark playgrounds and sandpits in a growing trend to keep winter colds and flus at bay. A […]

When do I have to tell my boss I’m pregnant?
You’re probably desperate to tell anyone who’ll listen that you’re having a baby, but how do you feel about letting your boss know? No doubt […]

Aussie shopping centres providing free nannies for shoppers
In possibly the best thing to happen to mums since wine time, the retail gods have answered our prayers with the ultimate freebie. Nannies are being provided at […]

WIN a Tommee Tippee Baby Food Steamer Blender valued at $199
Whip up delicious, healthy and super quick baby food like a pro once you win the Tommee Tippee Baby Food Steamer Blender, valued at $199. We […]

Australia’s safest car seats revealed: from capsules to boosters 2017
What you really need to put at the top of your car seat checklist is safety – and the latest Australian test results are in. […]

What’s that metallic taste in my mouth?
If you’re not already finding it difficult to keep your food down thanks to morning sickness, this pregnancy symptom might just tip you over the […]

Mums warned against eating their placenta after baby falls sick
Kim Kardashian did it, so did her sister Kourtney and fellow celeb-mums Alicia Silverstone and Mayim Bialik too. While placenta consumption may be the latest post-birth trend, […]

Anemia in Pregnancy: The Essential Role of Iron
Feeling completely exhausted during early pregnancy is really common, and usually, comes with the territory of growing a little human. But sometimes, overwhelming tiredness is […]

Listeria found in rockmelon: a warning for pregnant women
A mum-of-three says it’s a miracle her baby is still alive after she developed a Listeria infection from eating pre-cut rockmelon while 30 weeks pregnant. Listeriosis is an […]