Anita has 25 years media experience. For the past 16 years, she's been immersed in the parenting field, researching and writing everything from breaking news to potty training tricks. Anita lives in regional Victoria with her husband and two boys.

Artificial womb creates new hope for premature babies
It may sound like something out of a sci-fi flick, but scientists have managed to create a device that mimics a woman’s womb, and could eventually […]

National Simultaneous Storytime 2017
Put this date in your diary and get ready to gather the kids ’round. National Simultaneous Storytime is happening again, at 11am on Wednesday, May 24, 2017. […]

WIN a $5400 luxury mum-to-be prize package
This competition is now closed. Will E. Vranjes (VIC) please stand up. You’ve been selected as our very lucky winner. Enjoy xx Bringing a new […]

New app lets parents watch their IVF embryos grow
Anxious parents-to-be undergoing fertility treatment will soon be able to watch their IVF embryos grow in the lab, using an Australian-first smartphone app. IVF patients will get […]

Voted best 10 road trip tunes for family sing alongs
Australia is a sunburnt country. A land of sweeping plains. Of rugged mountain ranges. And that means road trips – lots and lots of road […]

Why mums are eating their placentas
While eating your placenta after giving birth may not seem like a culinary delight, placenta consumption is becoming an increasingly popular postpartum practice. That’s thanks […]

Australia’s best rockpool beaches to explore with kids
Kids are enchanted by the sea – a vast, sapphire world ripe for exploring. And rockpooling is the perfect way for little ones to dip their toe […]

National recall of baby biscuits due to choking concern
Parents are being warned not to let their babies eat a popular brand of baby biscuit, amid concerns they pose a choking hazard. Australian and New […]

What to do if your child is being bullied, or is a bully
The heartbreak of finding out your child is the victim of bullying is enough to crush any parent, as television presenter Dr Andrew Rochford has […]

The alphabet just got an Aussie makeover
‘A is for apple’ is so yesterday – the alphabet just got a very Australian makeover, and we’re loving the local twist on the ABCs! Sydney-based […]

13 totally bizarre pregnancy facts
We’re dusting off the strange-but-true files and delving into the world of bizarre pregnancy facts. Some will make you squirm, while others will give you a […]

Good family fun with the Things ToDo Together game
I get a pang of nostalgic guilt (and feel incredibly ancient) when my children ask me about the ‘olden days’. You know, that mystical time […]

Taking fish oil while pregnant doesn’t make babies smarter
It may be a little hard to swallow, but taking fish oil tablets during pregnancy to boost your future child’s intelligence doesn’t actually work. Manufacturers […]

Baby eczema rethink: Merino wool actually reduces symptoms
It seems we may have had the wool pulled over our eyes. New research is challenging the long-held belief that one of Australia’s most-loved natural fibres […]

Family finance: Breaking down the baby budget
Have a bub is heart-leapingly life changing in so many ways, from new experiences to a new household budget. You may think that a tiny baby […]