Domenica is an English teacher who loves all forms of shopping (even for groceries!) She’s a mother to twin girls Eva and Mia and has a personal passion for interior design and art.

Bump watch! 16 creative ways to record your pregnancy
Once your lil’ peanut has finally arrived, pregnancy can suddenly seem like such a blur. So you’ll be pleased as punch if you found ways to […]

Maqnifique! 10 ways to celebrate France’s Bastille Day
Bastille Day, France’s national day, falls on July 14 each year. So we thought it would be fun to get the fam-bam together to experience a […]

Ciao Bambino: 23 Italian Baby Names
As the motherland of pizza, pasta and gelato, it stands to reason that Italy would also be home to some of the most delicious-sounding baby names! And with an […]

19 royal baby names fit for babies born to rule
If only the best will do for your bun in the oven, you might want to take a little inspiration from the crème de la […]

The most magical gift ideas for fans of unicorns
Both young and old share a love for the extraordinary, majestic creature known as the unicorn. Revered for its beauty and strength, this magical animal […]

Hollywood’s best kept baby name secret
Just two weeks after the news they were expecting a baby first broke, the stunning Eva Mendes and her dreamboat baby daddy, Ryan Gosling, have […]

And he bakes too. Chris Hemsworth is officially our daddy crush
Chris Hemsworth is a lot of things. Talented actor, hands-on daddy to three kidlets, husband to the stunning Elsa Pataky, and did we mention… smokin’ […]

23 Vintage Baby Names Making a Come Back
Old-fashioned baby names are definitely on the rise. Whether they’re going all the way original, or tweaking them a little to give a contemporary edge […]

Effective head lice treatment: What you need to know
Nits. There, we said it. Go on, we’ll wait here while you go ahead and scratch your head for a bit… It’s kind of amazing […]

13 magical fairy birthday cakes
What fairy party would be complete without a delightfully enchanting, fairy-inspired birthday cake? From the easy-peasy DIY cake, to the super-duper ‘we’ll probably outsource’ type […]

How to host an enchanting woodland fairy party
We love the way our kids see magic and whimsy all around them; from fairies to pixies to cheeky lil’ elves, they understand that anything […]

13 (more) Kmart hacks for kids’ rooms
Kmart, one of Australia’s favourite budget department stores, has definitely picked up their game when it comes to sourcing cool homewares and kids products, but […]

Fun, family-friendly events to celebrate the Chinese New Year
There’s nothing more Australian than enjoying a great party, and we’re happy to report that Chinese New Year celebrations are kicking off this weekend. Based […]

13 fun ways to learn the first 100 sight words
We can prepare our kids for reading by helping them learn their sight words. These 100 sight words are high frequency words that make up […]

14 tips to help your preschooler learn to read
Dr Seuss was on the money when he wrote, ‘The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, […]