As a former deputy editor of a kids' magazine, Hejira is our go-to gal for finding all things fun. She is mum of one and loves getting seven-letter words in Scrabble (rarely) and getting out in nature (often).

Book Review: Horton Hears A… New Dr. Seuss Book!
Hold the Whisper-Ma-Phone! A new Dr. Seuss book has landed. We repeat, a new Dr. Seuss book has landed! Entitled Horton and the Kwuggerbug and […]

Zika Virus – what you need to know
Zika Virus is a disease transmitted to people by mosquitoes. Those who get infected often don’t show any symptoms, however, the effect of Zika on […]

Go nuts for ICE AGE LIVE! A Mammoth Adventure
FREEZE! We’ve got some news that will stop you in your tracks. ICE AGE LIVE! A Mammoth Adventure has taken the world by ice storm […]

Australia Zoo – A big adventure for little kids
Australia Zoo Getting there 1638 Steve Irwin Way, Beerwah, Qld 4519 Open 9am – 5pm daily ANZAC Day open 1.30pm – 5.30pm Closed Christmas Day […]