A newspaper journo and editor in the years BC (Before Children), Nat lives in Melbourne with her husband and two children, Millie and Finn. She loves exploring all her home city has to offer young families - but always grabs a coffee first.

Book Review: Ollie and the Wind
Ollie and the Wind by Ronojoy Ghosh Is the wind trying to tell us something when it blows through the trees? Ollie wants to find […]

Book Review: Lonely Planet Kids: Amelia’s Maze Adventure
Amelia’s Maze Adventure by Jane Gledhill A-maze-ing globe-trotting adventures await the readers with curiosity and a desire to see the world. Lady Vivian Winthrop has […]

Book Review: Snuggle the Baby
Snuggle the Baby by Sara Gillingham Ok, so the search for a soon-to-be big brother or sister present is over. This too-cute-for-words interactive book for […]

App Review: My Very Hungry Caterpillar
My Very Hungry Caterpillar by StoryToys Entertainment Creepy crawlies in the house is a big NO, but when the kids want to care for a […]

Book Review: Pancakes! Cook in a Book
Pancakes! Cook in a Book by Lotta Nieminen An interactive recipe book? Huh? I know, sounds silly but it’s actually quite clever in that you […]

Book Review: Infographics: Human Body
Infographics: Human Body by Peter Grundy This is a smart book. Ironic too, considering reading it is likely to make you smarter. It’s a bright […]

Book Review: How to Pee (Potty Training for Boys)
How to Pee (Potty Training for Boys) by Dr Todd Spector Out with the old and in with the new! Family physician Dr. Todd Spector […]

Book Review: Melbourne Word by Word
Melbourne Word by Word by Michael McMahon It’s only fitting that the world’s most liveable city has its own book dedicated to its beauty, its […]

Children’s Book of the Year winners 2017
More than 400 books were entered for a shot at being named Children’s Book of the Year in the Children’s Book Council of the Year […]

Book Review: The very hungry pregnant lady (A parody)
The Very Hungry Pregnant Lady (A Parody) by Emilie Sandoz-Voyer Preparing for her emergence as a mother, the very hungry pregnant lady eats her way through […]

Book Review: The Thank You Dish
The Thank You Dish by Trace Balla Here’s a little story that will snap your family right out of the eating dinner/watching telly trap so many […]

Book Review: My Big Day – A Joyful Story for Kids
My Big Day designed by Clare Marshall Can the kids be busy AND quiet? Oh yes they can! Here’s a book that shows interactive fun […]

Book Review: The Tree House
The Tree House by Marije and Ronald Tolman It’s a special book that can hold a child’s attention without words. It’s special illustrations that can […]

Just keep swimming, little fishy
If he could just get up the ladder and jump back in, we might see a gold medal-winning performance from the goldfish. But for now, […]

Book Review: Not Quite Narwhal
Not Quite Narwhal by Jessie Sima We have never known of a unicorn to want to be anything but … after all, unicorns are magical […]