With a keen eye for detail, Penelope has over five years experience as a creative writer and editor. Often spotted browsing bookstores with a coffee in one hand and a latte in the other. She lives in Queensland with her husband and two children.

Dip & Read: 23 Bath Books Mums Recommended
Bath time with your little one can be a magical experience – a chance for splashes, giggles, and bonding. But sometimes, keeping them entertained in […]

8 Ways to Help a Child With Night Terrors
Anyone who has had a child who suffers from vivid nightmares will tell you how difficult it can be to console their little one. Night […]

Anzac Stories for Kids: 23 Inspirational Picture Books
Anzac Day is an incredibly significant date on our national calendar. It’s also a date that will likely raise many tricky questions from your little […]

10 Ways To Relieve Breast Engorgement
Ahh, those precious first few days with your gorgeous bubba. Everything is new, a little bit scary, sometimes weird but also magic. A few days […]

Q&A: Can You Overfeed a Newborn? Expert Advice
It might surprise you to know that newborns are more self-sufficient at certain things that we give them credit for. And today we’re answering Mum’s […]

Membrane sweep: You want to sweep my what?
You’re fast approaching the 40-week club or perhaps you’re already there, and your doctor decides bub is a bit too comfortable and it’s time to […]

Q&A How Long Until the Umbilical Cord Falls Off?
Ahh cutting the umbilical cord – it’s an iconic part of birth. But once that main event is over, you may be wondering about the […]

Everything you need to know about Group B Strep and Pregnancy
Group B Strep or GBS – no it’s not the name of a boy band. Its full name is Group B Streptococcus, and it’s a […]

Q&A: Why Does My Baby Have Back Hair? Will It Disappear?
Baby’s hair (or lack thereof) is one of the first things people notice when they’re born. But if bub comes out with back hair, you […]

Q&A: Does Teething Cause a Fever?
Teething is a rite of passage that every parent gets to experience. And with a mouth full of toothy pegs waiting to cut through, we […]

Free books for five years (all thanks to Dolly Parton)
Dolly Parton is not usually a name that comes to mind when you think of children’s literature. But it turns out it should be. Passionate […]

Afterwards: THE parenting book every new mum needs to read
Afterwards: Postpartum Life Mum To Mum. By Tori Bowman Johnson We’ve talked about parenting books a few times here at Mum’s Grapevine. Reading Tori Bowman […]

Q&A: Can you eat prawns while pregnant?
Eat this, but not too much. Don’t eat it that way but like this. Definitely don’t eat that at all. Sound familiar? The dos and […]

Q&A: What is a stork bite and when will it fade?
Ahhh the good old myth about the stork delivering you your precious little one. If only it was that easy right? If you’ve got a […]

Should you read The Discontented Little Baby Book
The Discontented Little Baby Book By Dr Pamela Douglas If there’s one thing that there’s no shortage of in this world, it’s parenting advice. Wanted, […]