With a keen eye for detail, Penelope has over five years experience as a creative writer and editor. Often spotted browsing bookstores with a coffee in one hand and a latte in the other. She lives in Queensland with her husband and two children.

Q&A: When Do Babies Start Laughing? Key Milestones
Those first smiles are precious but the first little laughs – wow, heart explosion! There is literally no better sound in the world than the […]

Amber teething necklaces: do they work?
If you’ve been around any children under the age of three recently, you’ve probably noticed them sporting some pretty funky looking accessories. No, this isn’t […]

How To Manage Pelvic Girdle Pain
Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life. It can also be a really, really uncomfortable time. You’re basically growing a watermelon inside you, […]

Q&A: When do babies’ eyes change colour?
The eyes are often described as a window into the soul. They’re also a very defining feature so it’s little wonder you’re keen to know […]

Postpartum Bleeding: What you need to know
Asides from expecting a beautiful baby, one of the other things most women will say they enjoy about pregnancy is not having their period. Nine […]

Q&A: What Temperature Should a Baby’s Bath Be?
Rub a Dub Dub, does your bub love the tub? Bath time is often a favourite time of day for babies and parents alike – […]

Q&A: When Can Babies Eat Honey?
Honey – not only is it natural and delicious, but it also has some pretty fabulous health benefits. Before you let your little Pooh Bear […]

Baby teeth grinding: what you need to know
Gurgles, squeals and laughter. All those lovely new sounds that a baby can bring to your home. Then there’s some of the not so nice […]

Q&A: How do you get rid of baby hiccups?
Those first few little newborn hiccups can be so adorable. But when the first few become what seems like a never-ending attack of the hiccups […]

Book List: 12 Books to Help Siblings Welcome a New Baby
Congratulations. The stork is circling your house carrying your newest priceless package. But while you might be ready to welcome baby to the family, what […]

Book List: The best Bluey books as voted by mums
When tots aren’t watching Bluey on TV, they’re reading about Bluey in the ever-growing collection of Bluey books, because too much Bluey is never enough! […]

2021 Paid Parental Leave Changes: What You Need to Know
If you’re having a baby this year, there are new Paid Parental Leave changes you need to know. The income cap for Paid Parental Leave […]

Book List: 23 books about starting school
Starting school for the first time is a big step. Reading stories about what to expect can calm those first day jitters while getting youngsters […]

Book List: 23 best books for new dads
When you become a Dad and hold your baby for the first time you are overwhelmed with so many emotions. Love, amazement, joy and confusion! […]

Book List: 9 books about being scared of the dark
Ahhh … bedtime. It’s a never-ending battle between parent and child. There are countless reasons why kids can’t go to sleep (or stay asleep). They […]