With a keen eye for detail, Penelope has over five years experience as a creative writer and editor. Often spotted browsing bookstores with a coffee in one hand and a latte in the other. She lives in Queensland with her husband and two children.

Book List: 17 books about the loss of a pet
When we lose a pet, we lose a part of our family. The sadness can echo through the entire household and the loss can be […]

Custom Tales: 13 Personalised Kids Books Mums Recommend
Personalised books for kids make storytime even more magical. With adventure on every page and imagination at every turn, a book is something for parents and children to enjoy together. […]

Book List: 16 books starring awesome dads
Whether they’re pulling your kiddo’s leg or tucking them into bed, dads are the best! And what better way to celebrate fathers than with a selection […]

Book List: 8 zany books by Dr. Seuss (but not as you know him!)
Happy Birthday Dr Seuss! On March 3rd 1904, a wriggly baby-Seuss was welcomed into this world. But did you know he was actually born Theodor […]

Book List: 10 books to help learn sight words
One of the best things we can do to prepare our little darlings for independent reading is help them to recognise sight words. Sometimes called ‘popcorn words’, […]

Book List: 29 naughty kids parody books for adults
Night after night, mums and dads cuddle up with their children to read a bedtime story. Together we share sweet stories about adventurous animals and […]

Book List: 17 books about an Aussie Christmas
Dashing through the bush…in a rusty Holden ute….kicking up the dust….esky in the boot! Traditional Christmas stories still give us Aussie’s a warm and fuzzy but sometimes […]

Book List: 11 books about going to bed
Are bedtime battles a nightly occurrence? Maybe you’re listening to night after night of protests. Or maybe you have a child who suddenly insists they are […]

Book List: 10 books about going on a holiday
We’re all going on a summer holiday! Whether it’s camping or an overseas adventure, holidaying with kids is a lot of fun! It can be daunting for […]

Book List: The Best 10 Baby Books for New Mums
You have gotten through pregnancy and then childbirth and now it is time to be a Mum! Your life becomes all about feeds, changing nappies, washing, more feeding all […]

Book List: Top 10 Pamela Allen Books as voted by mums
Pamela Allen books are loved for their memorable characters, lyrical tales and mesmerising illustrations that capture imaginations of kids big and small. With eight of her […]

Book List: 17 colouring books for kids (and parents!)
Crayons, pencils, textas, metallic or fluorescent? Colouring books are the ultimate childhood canvases where budding artists can express their creativity with the medium and hue […]

Top 20 kids’ books every child should own
A great children’s book stays with us forever. It fires the imagination, helps us understand new concepts and words, and evokes fond memories of your […]