Everything you could possibly need to start bottle feeding. Use our list to discover what's available and why you might need it, then create your own checklist or download ours.
Tap the tiles to see our top ten favourite brands.
Organising your Bottle Gear
Ever been stuck in a "nap trap"? It's when your baby nods off during breastfeeding, and you're afraid to budge in case they wake up. Having all your essentials within arm's reach is a real lifesaver.
Understanding Your Bottle Feeding Gear
You don’t have to buy everything on this list. We’ve spent 16 years researching breastfeeding products and put together this list of absolutely everything you might find useful, along with reasons why.
Now it’s your turn to choose what will work for you.
A baby bottle holder is a handy device that helps babies hold their bottles, encouraging them to feed independently.
Baby bottles are special containers for feeding babies breast milk or formula. They come in different shapes, sizes, and materials, and some are designed to reduce gas and colic.
Bibs are protective clothing worn around a baby’s neck to catch spills and keep their clothes clean and dry.
A bottle brush is a long-handled brush with bristles specifically designed to clean the inside of baby bottles. It ensures thorough cleaning to prevent the buildup of milk residue, bacteria, and odour.
Bottle cleaner is a special cleaning solution that effectively cleans and sterilises baby bottles and accessories without leaving any residue.
A bottle drying rack is designed to hold and air-dry washed bottles, nipples, and other feeding accessories, reducing the risk of bacterial growth.
A bottle prep machine is a device that quickly and accurately prepares milk formula by mixing the correct ratio of water and formula powder. It saves time and ensures precise formula measurements for convenient feeding and accurate nutrition for your baby.
A bottle warmer is a device designed to gently warm refrigerated or frozen breast milk or formula to an ideal feeding temperature. It prevents the loss of nutrients in breast milk, provides consistent temperature, and avoids hot spots that can occur with microwaving.
A breast pump is a device that extracts and collects breast milk and allow others to participate in feeding, providing flexibility for busy mums.
Burp cloths are soft cloths that protect clothing from spit-up during and after feeding, keeping spills off your clothes.
A dishwasher basket is designed to hold small baby feeding items securely in the dishwasher.
A quick-boiling kettle speeds up baby bottle preparation, especially useful for late-night feedings when time is limited.
Formula is a nutritious alternative to breast milk, available in powdered, liquid, or ready-to-feed forms.
A formula dispenser is a portable container with compartments for pre-measured formula servings, making on-the-go feeding easier.
Gas drops are over-the-counter medication that relieves gas and discomfort in babies.
An insulated carry bag is a thermal bag that keeps bottles at the desired temperature while on the go.
Milk storage bags are sealed bags for storing pumped breast milk in the refrigerator or freezer.
A nipple cream is a soothing cream applied to the nipples to ease discomfort and prevent cracking during breastfeeding.
A nursing chair is an ergonomic chair designed to provide comfort and support during feeding, reducing the risk of back and neck strain during long feeding sessions.
A nursing pillow is a supportive pillow designed to position the baby comfortably during feeding, promoting a more relaxed and ergonomic feeding posture, reducing strain on the arms and shoulders.
A bottle steriliser is a device that eliminates harmful bacteria and germs from baby bottles, nipples, and other feeding accessories.
Teats are the soft, nipple-shaped parts of baby bottles that allow infants to suckle and feed. They come in various shapes, sizes, and flow rates to mimic the natural breastfeeding experience.
A water filter purifies tap water by removing impurities, ensuring clean and safe water for formula preparation and reducing the risk of contamination for your baby.

Feeding Support Services
Pregnancy, Birth and Baby is a national Australian Government service providing support and information for expecting parents and parents of children, from birth to 5 years of age.
Speak to a maternal child health nurse over the phone and by video call.
Phone: 1800 882 436
Website: Pregnancy Birth & Baby
Hours: 7am to midnight, 7 days a week
Health Direct is a government-funded service, providing quality, approved health information and advice.
Trusted health information and advice online and over the phone, known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone: 1800 022 222
Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week
Mothers Milk Bank Charity was established for the purpose of collecting, screening, pasteurising, and distributing donated human milk to infants in need right across Australia.