Bath Time FAQs
Get answers to all your bath time questions with our comprehensive FAQs. Learn about the best practices for baby bathing, safety tips, ideal products, and solutions to common issues to make bath time enjoyable for both you and your baby.

Creative Ways to Repurpose a Baby Bath
So, your bub has outgrown their baby bath, but before you think about sending it off to the baby gear retirement home, hold up. It […]

Q&A: What do I do if baby poos in the bath?
Bath time with toddlers can two ways, a beautiful symphony of giggles and splashing… or a chaotic opera starring a surprise “present” in the tub. […]

Q&A: How often should I bath my baby?
Bathing bub is relaxing and a brilliant way to create a soothing bedtime routine. But many new parents aren’t sure how often they should be […]

Q&A: What Temperature Should a Baby’s Bath Be?
Rub a Dub Dub, does your bub love the tub? Bath time is often a favourite time of day for babies and parents alike – […]