Get ready for cuteness overload as we roll out everything you need to know about your baby’s first year. From how to get a newborn to settle to which baby wipes to use on sensitive skin, PLUS loads of real mum tips from the #MGVfam to surviving their first year.

7 Early Signs Baby Is Tired (0-3 Months)
Believe it or not, babies actually have more than just one way to communicate. Yes, they cry – but they also tell us so much […]

Track Baby’s Growth with a Milestone Blanket
We’ve all seen milestone cards, so be the envy of your mother’s group with a so-hot-right-now milestone blanket. Mark out your baby’s age on the […]

Research reveals language skills develop better if dads read to kids
A snuggle and bedtime story is food for the soul and the minds of little ones. And it’s now been revealed that dads who read […]

13 clever ways to keep babies cool in summer
Flushed cheeks, a damp neck and grumpy grumbles are all signs that bub is feeling the heat, and fortunately, there are ways to take the sting out […]

The Clever Way To Stop Baby Losing Dummy At Night
A clever mum has come up with an expert-level hack to end dead-of-night dummy recovery missions, and it’s so simple, you’ll be able to try […]

New research: Colic relief hope for breastfed babies
A simple probiotic could be the key to help babies with colic settle. Australian researchers have found that a particular strain of probiotic may help […]

The most common birthday for Aussie babies is …
It seems Aussies are a festive bunch! The most popular day for babies to be born in Australia has just been revealed, and it points […]

Keep Baby’s Sleep Routine Intact This Christmas
Christmas time is filled to the brim with parties, get-togethers and sweet Santa bedtime stories – it’s one of the best times to be a […]

Hand-crafted cuddle + kind dolls giving meals to kids in need
Having a cuddly friend to snuggle up to, ease boo-boos and tell secrets to is a must when you’re little – no one understands you […]

How To Put Baby To Sleep In Less Than 60 Seconds
If sweet slumber is eluding your baby, it’s worth noting this almost magical snooze-inducing trick that’s given hundreds of thousands of sleep-deprived parents hope across […]

18 hand knitted critters to fall in love with
Is it wrong to have a crush on hand knitted toys? There’s something so special about an individually handmade toy, especially these days when we live in […]

VIDEO: The beautiful newborn kiss sending the internet crazy
Hold onto your ovaries, ladies – this gorgeous little clip is going to have you clucking like a hen! This adorable little girl, born five […]

How to recognise a baby’s hunger signs [guide]
There’s nothing sweeter than bringing home your delicious-smelling new bub. It’s a whole new world for both you and your baby and a time for you […]

7 things no one tells you about newborns
That delicious smell, those delicate little eyelashes, the teeny toes – these are the newborn delights we’re told will take our breath away as soon […]

How To Give Your Newborn A Swaddle Bath
Bathing a newborn baby is one of the most precious joys of becoming a new parent; it’s calming, soothing and can take baby back to being […]