Birth Stories
Get ready to be inspired! From natural birth stories and C-sections to births at home and cars, our collection of real-life experiences shared by mums in our Facebook due date groups will leave you in awe.

Birth Story: Mum Falls Pregnant with Triplets While on the Pill
Amy took her contraceptive Pill at the same time every morning, without fail. But when the 28-year-old started to feel sick and exhausted, she decided […]

Birth Story: Claire’s ‘Rockstar’ Breech Birth
Every mum wants an empowering birth, and second-time mum Claire Mann is no different. As soon as she learned her son was breech, Claire began […]

Birth Story: Rachael’s Unexpected Bathroom Home Birth
Braxton Hicks contractions had become a familiar friend for Rachael over the last few weeks of her pregnancy. So when she started to feel regular […]

Birth Story: Rare Twins Conceived Three Weeks Apart
With their very obvious size difference, it’s hard to believe Noah and Rosalie are twins. That’s because they’re actually among the rarest twins in the […]

Birth Story: My Baby Was Born at 27 Weeks
First-time mum Rhiannon had been through more during her pregnancy than she’d ever imagined. Severe morning sickness kept her from working for two months. Then, […]

Birth Story: Melbourne Mum’s Heartbreaking Lockdown Stillbirth
Melbourne mum Maggie admits she knew very little about stillbirth until, at 21 weeks pregnant, she went into preterm labour. Suffering a placental abruption the […]

Birth Story: Baby Born from Embryo Frozen for 27 Years
Baby Molly Everette Gibson is a record-breaker. She was frozen as an embryo in 1992 and has finally been given life … 27 years later. […]

Birth Story: Twin Sisters Both Give Birth on Their Birthday
Twins Amber Tramontana and Autum Shaw have pretty much everything in common. The identical twins are both nurse practitioners, they both live in Tennessee and […]

Birth Story: I Had Twins During Melbourne’s Lockdown
When Melbourne couple Laura-Jane and Shaun Hargreaves decided 2020 would be the year they’d start trying for a family, they never could have imagined what […]

Birth Story: 51-Year-Old Mum Gives Birth to Own Granddaughter
A 51-year-old woman has given birth to her own grandchild, after carrying her daughter’s baby as a surrogate. Julie Loving gave birth to baby Briar […]

Birth Story: Mum Pregnant Again After 10 Kids in 10 Years
A mum who is about to have her 11th baby in just 10 years says she’s not done having kids yet. Courtney Rogers, 36, and […]

Birth Story: Mum Gives Birth in Her Sleep
Laura had what many mums only dream of – a painless labour and birth. In fact, the mum-of-two didn’t feel a thing, because she was […]

Birth Story: Mum Feels No Pain During ‘Silent Labour’
India thought it was strange that she couldn’t feel any pain during her contractions, as her body silently laboured for 96 hours. She’s one of […]

Birth Story: ‘I Had a 10% Chance of Falling Pregnant’
Samantha Ellis was plagued with health problems, and at 26 was already going through menopause. Her body had been through endless surgeries and a hysterectomy […]

Birth Story: ‘I Found Out I Was Pregnant at 28 Weeks’
Laura and her partner Dean were busy setting up their life together, finishing studies, building a home. A baby just wasn’t in the plans, yet. […]