Elf on the Shelf
Make the most of Elf on the Shelf with our creative ideas and tips. Discover fun ways to set up your elf, unique hiding spots, and engaging activities to bring magic and excitement to your holiday season.

Wacky Dad Brings Elf On The Shelf To Life
Think your Elf on the Shelf creations are a little ‘out there’? Joe Wynberg, an American dad of four, has taken the festive tradition, to […]

Affordable Elves, costumes and props with My Magical Moments
Santa’s elves are on their way and ready to spread Christmas cheer with their cheeky antics all through December. And there’s no need to dream […]

Hilarious dad turns baby into a real life Elf on the Shelf
When Alan Lawrence, first started documenting his life as a dad of six kiddos, he probably never expected to become a huge viral sensation, but that’s […]

28 New Elf on the Shelf Ideas for a Magical Holiday
In need of fresh ideas for Santa’s little helper? Who better to ask for new Elf on the Shelf ideas than mums who have become […]

23 easy Elf on the Shelf ideas
It’s that time of year again when cheeky little Elf on the Shelf has us setting alarms and racking our brains for new ideas every […]

15 hysterical new Elf on the Shelf ideas
The curious little guy straight from the North Pole is on his way back to entertain the kids (and keep them in line) for the […]

7 ways to say goodbye to Elf on the Shelf
Christmas is so close you can almost smell the glazed ham, so it’s time to start prepping for a little farewell – thousands of little […]

13 super cute Elf on the Shelf printables
Oh, little Elf on the Shelf – what adorable mischief you get up to. From the minute this little guy in red arrives from the […]

10 Elf on the Shelf arrival ideas
Our favourite little elves are on their way from the North Pole, heading to families all over Australia to sprinkle some Christmas magic. So it’s […]

He’s back! 24 new and hilarious Elf on the Shelf ideas
It’s almost time for lil’ elves everywhere to make their way to our homes and cast their watchful eyes over the kidlets for the month of December. […]

16 (more) hilarious Elf on the Shelf ideas
Elf on the Shelf is all about creating magical Christmas memories for our kiddies. You see, elves arrive at their host families in December, with […]

24 hilarious Elf on the Shelf ideas
If you haven’t heard of Elf on the Shelf, you are missing out! Elves all around the world arrive at their host families on December […]