Returning to Work
Navigate your return to work with confidence using our expert resources and tips. Learn how to balance career and family, find flexible job options, and manage the transition smoothly for both you and your baby.

It’s official: Stay-at-home-mums worth $230,000
Raising babies is a tough job – some would say the hardest job there is. It’s never-ending and often thankless (save for gorgeous, sloppy kisses). […]

7 Ways Parenting Skills Can Boost Your Dream Career
If you’re heading back to work, looking for something new or thinking about going out on your own, you might feel like you need a […]

5 signs that you’re an entrepreneur in the making
After giving birth to a child, many mums find that they also give birth to something else – an idea! If you’re nurturing your child […]

Online study: 6 reasons why it’s a perfect match for mums
The internet is the best invention ever (yes, even better than sliced bread) and it has opened up a world wide web of opportunity. Pretty […]

A career change after bub: The Mum’s Grapevine story
Becoming a parent is an exciting new role, and for many, this break from your day job opens up thoughts about a new career. Taking maternity leave may […]

6 tips for studying smarter when you’re a parent
Becoming a parent is all about new beginnings – a new life comes into this world and a new (bigger!) family is created! These new […]

Making it work: how to get a great job after kids
You’ve spent years building your career until you put things on hold to have your beautiful bub. At first, through the sleep deprivation and chronic […]

10 clever ways to make a career change
Most of us take a career break – short or long – when we have kids. But when you’re ready to return to work it […]