Labour & Delivery
Navigate labour and delivery with confidence using our expert resources. From understanding the stages of labour to managing pain and making informed decisions, find essential advice and tips to ensure a smooth and empowering childbirth experience.

Posterior position: everything you need to know before and during birth
Have you ever heard the term ‘posterior’? Or perhaps face-up or sunny side up? Mum’s Grapevine expert, midwife Edwina Sharrock from Birth Beat explains the posterior […]

Matchy-matchy delivery room decor is a thing now
It’s the post-birth trend ditching white hospital sheets in favour of custom-made delivery room bedding, swaddles, pillows and outfits – and mums are going crazy […]

New Research: Labour Pain May Be Mind Over Matter
Australian researchers say the way women think about labour pain may help them have a more positive experience during birth. La Trobe University researchers interviewed […]

50 WAYS to bring on labour
It’s been nine months of patiently waiting to meet your little chick, but bub is quite happy still in its nest and there are no […]

How to use a hair comb for labour pain
It’s the viral labour pain relief tip that has pregnant women whipping down to their nearest Kmart for a hair comb. The little-known technique delves […]

Q&A: How many times should I lose my mucus plug?
There are all sorts of weird and wonderful things going on down below throughout pregnancy, including the mucus plug. Lots of expecting mums assume losing […]

What actually happens to a baby’s head during birth
Ever wondered how ‘that’ is going to get out of ‘there’? Well, science has just lifted the lid on another fascinating birth phenomenon. Experts have […]

50 things every mum thinks during labour
After nine months of growing a little human, it’s finally time – the contractions have started, the baby is coming and our minds are racing […]

What a mucus plug looks like (with pictures)
Getting towards the pointy end of pregnancy means every little twinge and different discharge could be a sign that things are starting to happen. Lots […]

World first: baby born to mum with transplanted uterus
In a medical breakthrough, a healthy Brazilian girl is the first baby to be born using a uterus transplanted from a dead donor. The 32-year-old […]

Homebirths as Safe as Hospital Births for Low-Risk Pregnancies
A homebirth is just as safe as a hospital birth for healthy women with low-risk pregnancies, a Victorian study has found. But for high-risk pregnancies, […]

Tearing and episiotomies: what you need to know
One of the biggest fears women have before giving birth is tearing during labour – will it happen, how can it be avoided, how do […]

Managing Fear of Labour: Tips for a Calmer Birth
Labour pain? It’s all in your head. Wouldn’t it be great if that were true? No more fear, no more mind-bending pain meds and no […]

4 Heart-Pounding Homebirth Videos You Need to See
There’s something truly magical about having a baby surrounded by all the things and the people you love most. Here are seven homebirths that will […]

Why Some Mums Lick Their Babies After Birth
It’s a tender moment snapped just seconds after birth – a mum cradling her newborn, but instead of kissing her baby, this mum gently licks […]