There’s so much to know about being pregnant and you only have nine months to learn it all! Whether you want to know what vitamins you really need to take, what that pregnancy rash could mean or if you just want to have a laugh, this is the place for you.

Side sleep and cut the risk of a stillbirth by half
Pregnant women who sleep on either side in the last three months of pregnancy more than halve the risk of stillbirth, according to new research. […]

Going down on your partner may prevent miscarriage
New research has uncovered a link between going down on your partner and a reduced incidence of recurrent miscarriage. Rather than the act itself – […]

A calender of prenatal tests and screenings
Peeing on a stick is only the beginning. From the moment you see that second line on the pregnancy test, there are a number of […]

Q&A: Is It Safe to Go Tenpin Bowling While Pregnant?
Once you’re pregnant, things you did without thinking twice are suddenly questioned – particularly when they involve physical movement. Ever wondering if tenpin bowling is […]

50 things every mum thinks during labour
After nine months of growing a little human, it’s finally time – the contractions have started, the baby is coming and our minds are racing […]

Q&A: What’s with the shortness of breath?
Growing a baby is hard work, which sometimes leaves us literally breathless. But why do we get short of breath in pregnancy and when is […]

11 fascinating birth traditions from around the world
Each day 360,000 babies are born in every corner of the world, from the wilds of Africa to the hospitals of Australia. And with each […]

What a mucus plug looks like (with pictures)
Getting towards the pointy end of pregnancy means every little twinge and different discharge could be a sign that things are starting to happen. Lots […]

Q&A: What’s with snoring during pregnancy?
Don’t be alarmed – even if you’ve never been a snorer, pregnancy can bring out the nighttime freight train in all of us. Yep, it’s […]

The world’s worst 30 baby shower cakes
What more could a mum-to-be want at her baby shower, but a bloody, horrifying birthing cake taking centre stage? Strap on your sense of humour […]

Q&A: When Is the Best Time to Go on a Babymoon?
Spending some one-on-one holiday time with baby daddy before bub comes along, is always a great idea, but when is the best time in pregnancy […]

How to avoid abdominal muscle separation in pregnancy
Noticed a strange ‘gap’ between your abdominal muscles, or your pregnant belly looking a little weird? It could be abdominal muscle separation – a really […]

Virtual Reality Eases Pain of External Cephalic Version
In a world-first, virtual reality is being used to help mums-to-be cope with the pain of having their babies turned out of a breech position. […]

Breathtaking birth photos featuring LGBTQ parents
Every family is unique and beautiful and worth celebrating. Family is our home, our heart and when a baby comes along there’s a whole other […]

10 ways to keep cool during pregnancy
Summer is the season for sunny days and balmy nights, which means it’s also the season for expectant mums to feel hot and – let’s be honest here […]