Pregnancy News & Research
Stay informed with the latest pregnancy news and research. Discover new findings, expert insights, and updates on prenatal care, maternal health, and baby development to keep you and your baby healthy and well-prepared throughout your pregnancy journey.

New Research: Labour Pain May Be Mind Over Matter
Australian researchers say the way women think about labour pain may help them have a more positive experience during birth. La Trobe University researchers interviewed […]

Study finds baby kicking at night is a good sign
For expecting mums heading into the home stretch, knowing what’s normal when it comes to baby’s movements has just become easier. A new study has […]

Eating nuts in pregnancy linked to smarter babies
Craving the crunch of cashews or wanting to munch on macadamias while pregnant? The experts are telling us to go nuts – because eating nutty […]

Side sleep and cut the risk of a stillbirth by half
Pregnant women who sleep on either side in the last three months of pregnancy more than halve the risk of stillbirth, according to new research. […]

Going down on your partner may prevent miscarriage
New research has uncovered a link between going down on your partner and a reduced incidence of recurrent miscarriage. Rather than the act itself – […]

11 fascinating birth traditions from around the world
Each day 360,000 babies are born in every corner of the world, from the wilds of Africa to the hospitals of Australia. And with each […]

Virtual Reality Eases Pain of External Cephalic Version
In a world-first, virtual reality is being used to help mums-to-be cope with the pain of having their babies turned out of a breech position. […]

Push to Overturn Hospital Birth Photography Ban
Professional photographers claim they’re being banned from taking images during birth at a Queensland hospital, saying it’s ‘taking away women’s rights’. But the hospital says […]

Changes to paid parental leave, what you need to know
New parents will be able to choose how they take their paid parental leave, under new reforms announced today. Parents will be able to split their […]

Taking Omega-3 in Pregnancy Reduces Premature Births
Pregnant women are being encouraged to take a daily dose of omega-3 from 12 weeks of pregnancy to reduce the risk of their baby being […]

Homebirths as Safe as Hospital Births for Low-Risk Pregnancies
A homebirth is just as safe as a hospital birth for healthy women with low-risk pregnancies, a Victorian study has found. But for high-risk pregnancies, […]

Wearable Smart Tracker for Bump and Baby
There’s a lot to remember when you’re a mum, even before your little nugget comes along. But remembering when bub last kicked, when you next […]

The secret to boosting baby’s growth is easier than you think
Boosting bub’s growth for the first six years of life could be as simple as taking fish oil supplements in late pregnancy. A new study […]

Poor Pregnancy Sleep May Affect Unborn Baby’s Health
Tossing, turning and tuning into Netflix at all hours of the night is part and parcel of pregnancy insomnia and a new Australian study has […]

Gestational Diabetes Risks Persist After Birth, Experts Warn
Experts are warning that the risks associated with gestational diabetes continue beyond pregnancy, for both mum and baby. Despite up to 14 per cent of […]