Navigate the newborn stage with confidence using our expert tips and resources. Find advice on feeding, sleeping, and caring for your baby, plus essential products and support for new parents. Everything you need for your newborn.

CPAP Support: Helping Your Little One Breathe Easier
Welcoming a newborn into the world is undoubtedly one of life’s most magical moments, but it can also bring its fair share of worries and […]

An Open Letter from Your Colicky Newborn
So, you’ve embarked on this incredible journey of parenthood, and you’ve probably already discovered that it’s not all cute baby giggles and sweet lullabies. One […]

Infacol review – How to relieve a windy baby
For new mums, tending to an inconsolable, colicky baby is heartbreaking. Every little bit of you just wants to help your munchkin feel better. We […]

Baby Whispering: How to understand different baby cries (handy video)
We all know how frustrating and heartbreaking it is to listen to our baby cry and not understand what they need. But Australian mum Priscilla Dunstan has bridged the […]

A letter from your newborn
If our tiny newborns could talk, this is what they’d say to us if they could talk. Soak it up, take it in and remember […]

19 (hilarious) steps to bringing a new baby home
When you’ve given birth in a hospital and it’s time to make your great escape back home with your newborn, you may think it’s as […]

Q&A How Long Until the Umbilical Cord Falls Off?
Ahh cutting the umbilical cord – it’s an iconic part of birth. But once that main event is over, you may be wondering about the […]

Q&A: Why Does My Baby Have Back Hair? Will It Disappear?
Baby’s hair (or lack thereof) is one of the first things people notice when they’re born. But if bub comes out with back hair, you […]

Q&A: What is a stork bite and when will it fade?
Ahhh the good old myth about the stork delivering you your precious little one. If only it was that easy right? If you’ve got a […]

Should you read The Discontented Little Baby Book
The Discontented Little Baby Book By Dr Pamela Douglas If there’s one thing that there’s no shortage of in this world, it’s parenting advice. Wanted, […]

Q&A: How long does ‘witch’s milk’ last
Ahhhh newborn babies are so very, very cute….and also so very, very weird. Did you know that babies can produce breast milk? Well, you do […]

Jaundice Babies: what you need to know
Is your baby looking a bit, well, yellow? Or perhaps you hadn’t realised yet but the midwives are throwing around the word jaundice baby and […]

9 baby laundry detergents plus washing tips
From the dribble to burping spills and blowouts, life with a baby gets mighty messy and the laundry piles up fast. When it comes to […]

Q&A: When do babies’ eyes change colour?
The eyes are often described as a window into the soul. They’re also a very defining feature so it’s little wonder you’re keen to know […]

Q&A: How do you get rid of baby hiccups?
Those first few little newborn hiccups can be so adorable. But when the first few become what seems like a never-ending attack of the hiccups […]