Book Reviews
Explore our in-depth children’s book reviews to find the perfect reads for your little ones. From picture books to chapter books, discover age-appropriate, engaging, and educational stories that will inspire a love of reading.

Book Review: The Cave
The Cave by Rob Hodgson Mix some mystery with a hapless wolf then throw in a big surprise at the end and you have a book […]

Book List: 17 books about the loss of a pet
When we lose a pet, we lose a part of our family. The sadness can echo through the entire household and the loss can be […]

Book review: Busting!
Busting! by Aaron Blabey When you just gotta go, you just gotta go. Every toilet training toddler and their (long suffering) parents will understand the […]

Book review: Who’s Got a Normal Family?
Who’s Got a Normal Family by Belinda Nowell A family is a family, no matter how ‘unconventional’ it may seem. This is the important message behind […]

National Simultaneous Storytime 2017
Put this date in your diary and get ready to gather the kids ’round. National Simultaneous Storytime is happening again, at 11am on Wednesday, May 24, 2017. […]

Book Review: Press and Listen baby books
Story time is a riot of fun with the press and listen books from Wee Gallery. Entitled Vroom, Zoom! ‘Here Comes the Fire Engine and Hush… Little […]

Book Review: My Dad Used to Be So Cool
“My Dad having fun? It’s hard to imagine. He’s always so serious?” Life changes a lot when a little one comes along. Fun late nights […]

Custom Tales: 13 Personalised Kids Books Mums Recommend
Personalised books for kids make storytime even more magical. With adventure on every page and imagination at every turn, a book is something for parents and children to enjoy together. […]

Book Review: Do Not Open This Book
And the Uncle of the Year Award goes to… Andy Lee! You see, not only is Andy one half of the comedy duo Hamish & Andy, but he’s […]

Children’s Book of the Year winners (2016)
Cuddling up with a bambino and a book has to be one of parenthood’s greatest pleasures. Whether you’re reading an action-packed page-turner or journeying through […]

Children’s Book of the Year shortlist (2016)
Hey diddle diddle, Mr Huff in the middle, the cow tripped over the moon. The little dog laughed to see such fun and the piranha ran away with […]

Yikes! Harry Potter books are worth how much?!
Attention all Harry Potter hoarders! If you have an early edition of the magical books, you could be ‘Rowling’ in cash. As in $77,000 in […]

Book List: 8 zany books by Dr. Seuss (but not as you know him!)
Happy Birthday Dr Seuss! On March 3rd 1904, a wriggly baby-Seuss was welcomed into this world. But did you know he was actually born Theodor […]

Book Review: Horton Hears A… New Dr. Seuss Book!
Hold the Whisper-Ma-Phone! A new Dr. Seuss book has landed. We repeat, a new Dr. Seuss book has landed! Entitled Horton and the Kwuggerbug and […]

Book review: In My Heart
Our hearts are capable of feeling many things, from happiness to sadness, hope to fear. And of course a little bit of silliness too! In […]