Teething Tips & Advice
Navigate the curly (and often tearful!) world of teething. Discover what's normal and what's not when it comes to your babies teething. Find helpful tips and tricks from mums who've been there and done it all before.

Baby teeth traditions from around the world
The moment is finally here – that first little pearly white is out leaving a gappy-toothed grin and high hopes of a tooth fairy visit. […]

Amber teething necklaces: do they work?
If you’ve been around any children under the age of three recently, you’ve probably noticed them sporting some pretty funky looking accessories. No, this isn’t […]

Baby teeth grinding: what you need to know
Gurgles, squeals and laughter. All those lovely new sounds that a baby can bring to your home. Then there’s some of the not so nice […]

Recipe: Homemade Banana and Oat Baby Rusks
Teething tots want to chew, chew, chew so here’s something delish for them to gnaw on, made from ingredients you’ve probably got on hand right […]

How to make homemade baby rusks
Teething babies want to chew all the things. Here’s a cheap and easy way to make baby rusks at home in just two minutes. Mum’s […]

Mum Tip: Easy cucumber teethers for baby
Soothing sore gums is a piece of cake – or a slice of cucumber actually – thanks to this top tip from a clever mum. […]

Coming through: The low down on teething
Getting teeth is a big milestone in your baby’s life and it’s exciting to see those teeny tiny pearly whites pop up one-by-one. You’ll be […]

Meet Evie Carter, the cutie pie born with teeth
Most parents dread the drooly, fussy teething stage, but little Evie Carter has bypassed it altogether. The adorable NSW tot was born with two perfect […]

Mum Soothes Teething Pain with Genius ‘Milksicle’
Is there a little toothless tiger growling in discomfort at your place? Then you’re going to love this clever teething hack (and so will your […]

9 excuses for why the Tooth Fairy didn’t come last night
When that first, wobbly tooth finally frees itself from a child’s mouth, you can almost hear the distant sound of small trumpets being played by fairies, […]

18 ways to make brushing teeth fun
Most dentists recommend children (and adults) brush their teeth for two minutes, twice a day. Try telling that to a kid. Instead, many kids prefer […]

Tooth Fairy magic caught on camera
A dad has found a magical way to show ‘the tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth’ about the Tooth Fairy! When five-year-old James Hashimoto lost his […]

6 ways to prepare your kids for the dentist
Malvern Family Dental shares 6 ways you can prepare your toddler for their first dental appointment. To keep your toddler’s teeth looking pearly white, with a healthy bite, it’s […]

The A to Z of kids teeth
Before our babies are even born the teething process has already begun. Tiny little tooth start developing six weeks after conception, and by the time […]