DIY Activities & Play
Unleash creativity with our DIY activities and play ideas. Explore fun, engaging projects and games for kids that are easy to make at home. Discover crafts, educational play, and creative ways to entertain and bond with your little ones.

Animal magic: 9 creature craft ideas to make outside
It’s time to get creative with Mother Nature, and celebrate spring. Kids love collecting bits and bobs while playing outside, so grab a bag and […]

The double-storey cubby house dad built
One dad has taken cubby house building to a whole new level. Two levels, actually. Adam Boyd crafted a cubby so incredible it has parents […]

5 fun activities to bring The Day the Crayons Quit to life
Kids love crayons. They’re colourful, textural and feature in some awesome picture books (like ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’). So here’s how to take your […]

Book Review: Lonely Planet Kids: Amelia’s Maze Adventure
Amelia’s Maze Adventure by Jane Gledhill A-maze-ing globe-trotting adventures await the readers with curiosity and a desire to see the world. Lady Vivian Winthrop has […]

Flower power: 9 super cute and easy flower crafts
Daisy chains and pretty posies, you can just smell spring in the air – but we can also smell flower crafts for little nature lovers! […]

5 amazing life skills kids learn through music
Music is a huge part of the learning puzzle for toddlers, so it’s fortunate that they just love to shake what their mumma gave ’em! […]

Adorable mummy and me project we can all do
Alya Chaglar is one creative mumma! She’s taking her daughter’s dress-up wardrobe to a whole new level of fun, thanks to a simple camera trick. Using […]

9 ‘lay down and play’ activities for tired mums and busy kids
Attention tired mums – we have solved the mystery of how to keep your kids entertained even when you are entering mombie (that’s mum zombie) […]

From Cozy Coupe car to Fury Road ride
Isn’t it amazing what a bit of black spray paint, a rusted bike chain and an old breast pump can do to the iconic Little […]

9 magic cleaning tips for when crafting turns messy
Yikes! There’s play dough in the carpet, crayons on the walls and little artists sprinkling glitter down the hall. When the house looks like something out of […]

14 reasons to head outside in autumn
Ahhh … autumn. A great season when the air is crisper than your fridge’s veggie drawer and leaves fall from trees like big, crunchy, orange snow (hey, we’re […]

12 ingredients for creating the ultimate mud kitchen
Looking for a new way to enjoy outdoor play with your little one? Bring on the mud. And the mud kitchen! What is a mud […]

7 Household Items Perfect as Baby Toys
Sometimes the simple things really are the best. Like blowing raspberries on bubba’s tummy, playing peek-a-boo and discovering that your tired Tupperware collection is actually the best toy range ever! You see, love […]

10 Festive Crafts for Chinese New Year Celebration
Cock-a-doodle-do! The Chinese New Year is almost upon us with Saturday marking the start of the Year of the Rooster. Those born in the Year […]

Splish, splash, splosh! 18 water play activities for toddlers
Water play is a wet and wildly fun activity for toddlers, so head outside and make a splash. Toddlers love – make that, LOVE – […]