Toddler Milestones
Track your toddler’s growth with our comprehensive guide to toddler milestones. Discover what to expect at each stage of development, from walking and talking to social skills and independence, and find tips to support their progress.

How to help a toddler with separation anxiety
Watching your little one cry as you wave goodbye is one of the hardest things about parenting. Not only is it heartbreaking to see your toddler […]

How to teach kids to blow their nose
Learning how to blow your nose is a childhood skill right up there with brushing your teeth. And teaching a child to blow their nose […]

9 ways to support a growing toddler
Toddlers are curious, cute and full of beans. They’re making leaps and bounds in everything they do and it’s so great to hear them chatter […]

8 tried and tested ways to survive toddler tantrums
Kids tend to save their meltdowns for the most inopportune moments – supermarket checkouts, quiet cafes, the moment you are trying to leave the house […]

50 ridiculous reasons behind toddler tantrums
Ah, toddlers, such curious little creatures who’ll chuck a tantrum quicker than you can incorrectly cut their sandwich. From lamenting that their ice cream is […]

26 clever ways to help kids calm down
It’s a big world when you’re small, and sometimes it can all get a bit too much. Even little things can seem huge when you’re […]

30 life-skills that build kids confidence [guide]
Little kids love to be independent. It might come as a bit of a shock – one minute they’re a helpless little bundle in your arms […]

Introducing Reading Eggs Junior for 2-4 year olds
Every mum knows books are a fun way to fill in the (so many) hours in your tot’s day, or a handy way to help […]

The simple trick to get kids to talk about their day
Ask your child “What did you do today” and we can bet that you will likely be greeted with the same three responses: “Nothing.” “I […]

The simple trick to stop toddlers interrupting
Ahhhh. Toddlers. They are never-ending balls of energy, full of laughter, love and LOADS of questions. But explaining to a child that there is a […]

5 reasons having a dog is good for kids
Kids love animals. So there’s going to come a time in your parenting life when the kids start asking for a pet. And research just in […]

20 fun games to build gross motor skills
Running, jumping and climbing – that’s what little kids are made of. And it’s all thanks to gross motor skills! Between the age of three and […]

The 5-year-old with a genius shoelace-tying technique
Meet Colton. He’s five, he’s got a loose tooth and he’s showing the world how to tie shoelaces. Wearing red shoes that would make Dorothy go weak […]

20 tips for surviving shopping with kids
Getting the weekly shop done is a necessary evil…grrr! With a tiny human in tow, it can be absolute mayhem! The little devils run out […]

Trick to teaching kids shoelace-tying
Shoelaces have a reputation for being a bit tricky for kids to master, but thanks to a mum’s Facebook video, over SIX MILLION people have witnessed an […]