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Real Birth Stories
The wild, raw, and unexpected moments of bringing a baby into the world - straight from the Grapeviner mums who’ve been there.

Birth story: Alyce’s second miracle baby
After already welcoming one miracle baby, Alyce and Jesse Brown thought life was complete. But two years later, after finally finishing their dream home, a […]

Birth story: Mum gives birth in hospital car park
Most mums-to-be have a niggling end-of-pregnancy fear that they won’t make it to the hospital in time. Call it mother’s intuition, it keeps us on […]

Birth Story: Mum livestreams unassisted homebirth
A mum has live streamed the super quick, unassisted home birth of her fourth child in her bathtub. Kara Baker from Missouri in the US […]

Birth Story: When things don’t go to plan
While we’re growing our little babes, we all imagine how the birth will unfold and that incredible moment when our bundle of joy is finally […]

Birth Story: Baby born at record breaking 6.9kg
Joi Buckley gave birth to her daughter Harper, who weighed 15lbs 5oz (6.9kg) and measured 23 and a quarter inches long, earlier this month. Told […]

Birth Story: Thieves Torch Car with Baby’s Medical Gear
A mum-of-three has been left devastated after her baby’s medical equipment was torched just days after his release from hospital. Four-month-old Alexander Pink, who was […]

Birth Story: Mum’s Drug-Free Double Breech Twin Birth
When Emma found out she was expecting twins, she assumed that would be the biggest surprise of her pregnancy. But what lay ahead was months […]

Birth Story: Mum freebirths surprise twins in the jungle
Ashley has joined a pretty exclusive birth club. In fact, she’s probably the only member. The American yoga teacher freebirthed surprise twins in the Costa […]

Birth Story: Identical Twins Give Birth Hours Apart
Identical twins Katie and Nicki have proven twins really do have a magical connection, giving birth within just hours of each other. The Melbourne sisters, […]