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Real Birth Stories
The wild, raw, and unexpected moments of bringing a baby into the world - straight from the Grapeviner mums who’ve been there.

Mum Unexpectedly Gives Birth in Shower at Home
Kimberley wanted a natural, intervention-free hospital birth for her third baby – and she almost got everything she wished for. But her baby had other […]

Birth Story: Dad ‘breastfeeds’ newborn after emergency c-section
They are the ‘breastfeeding’ images that have gone viral around the world, and with good reason. Maxamillian stepped up to the plate and ‘breastfed’ his […]

Birth Story: ‘I Wish I Knew’: Mum’s Heartbreaking Pregnancy Warning
Sandra’s second pregnancy was perfect. A textbook nine months with no morning sickness, just the joy of a second little boy on the way. But […]

Birth Story: ‘Get checked’: Mum’s heartbreaking pre-eclampsia warning
Kassie was 25 weeks pregnant with her first longed-for baby, and couldn’t wait to become a mum. She’d been collecting baby clothes for two years […]

Birth Story: En Caul C-Section Birth Caught on Camera
While every birth is beautiful, baby Maria’s grand entrance was exceptional – the little bub arriving via c-section still in her amniotic sac. Babies born […]

Birth Story: Headache Turns into Emergency Birth
What started off as a headache at 35-weeks pregnant turned into a fight for survival for Jessica Barnett and her baby. The Melbourne mum says […]

Birth Story: Grandma catches baby in the shower
Already a mum to one, Johanna was pretty sure she’d know when it was time to head into hospital to have her second little bundle […]

Birth Story: Hypnobirth of Rainbow Baby Fíadh Boyle
All births are special, but perhaps none quite so moving as the birth of rainbow baby Fíadh Boyle, who came into the world two years […]

Woman Gives Birth in the Red Sea, Emerges Like a Goddess
It’s the water birth with a great big twist – the incredible moment a woman emerges from the Red Sea, just minutes after giving birth […]