Starting Solids FAQs
Navigate starting solids with confidence with our expert Q&As. Get answers to all your questions from allergies to recipes. Find helpful tips and guides to help you thrive in this new chapter of your life.

Q&A: Which Yoghurt Can Babies Eat?
Congratulations, you’ve taken the leap and your baby is ready to start solids. Now the next tricky part begins – what can they eat? You’ve […]

Q&A: Is Vegemite Safe For Babies?
Love it or hate it, Vegemite is very much considered a staple of the Australian diet. Most Aussie kids will have grown up with Vegemite […]

Q&A: When Can Babies Have Cow’s Milk
Weaning is another one of those stages in your baby’s life that you may have very mixed feelings about. Yes, it’s a sign of their […]

Q&A: When Can Babies Eat Eggs?
Starting your six-month-old on solids is an exciting journey. Seeing their reactions to different textures and tastes, finding out what they do and don’t like […]

Q&A: When Can Babies Eat Honey?
Honey – not only is it natural and delicious, but it also has some pretty fabulous health benefits. Before you let your little Pooh Bear […]

Q&A: When Can Babies Start To Drink Water?
There are a precious few months at the start of a baby’s life when they need nothing but breastmilk or formula. But as a whole […]