School Readiness
Prepare your child for school with our expert tips on school readiness. From academic skills and social development to essential supplies and routines, find everything you need to ensure your child starts school confidently and successfully.

Book List: 23 books about starting school
Starting school for the first time is a big step. Reading stories about what to expect can calm those first day jitters while getting youngsters […]

39 easy school hairstyles for girls
It’s time to part with the pony and give piggies the flick. If the thought of starting another school year playing salon stylist has you […]

9 Adorable First Day of School Signs
Say cheese little one – it’s time to start school and we’re ramping up the cute factor by adding the most adorable signs to iconic […]

7 Things Organised Mums Do Before the Start of School
School holidays vanish in a flash and before you know it, it’s back to school for little learners. Avoid the back to school madness by […]

Easy Alphabet Muscle Trainer for Toddlers
Empty out the recycling bin and get your hot glue guns ready, it’s time to make a genius toddler board. Aimed at teaching the alphabet […]

DIY Heart Hugs Buttons to Comfort Anxious Kids
Mum’s Grapevine reader Vikkie Triantafyllou shared her clever, no-sew way to soothe anxious feelings after it helped her daughter’s start to school. Vikkie had seen […]

Introducing Reading Eggs Junior for 2-4 year olds
Every mum knows books are a fun way to fill in the (so many) hours in your tot’s day, or a handy way to help […]

4 ways to prevent kids getting head lice
Nits, nits, nits, nits, nits! Feeling itchy yet? Well, stop the phantom scratching because we’re here to help with five easy ways to stop pesky head lice […]

What to do if your child is being bullied, or is a bully
The heartbreak of finding out your child is the victim of bullying is enough to crush any parent, as television presenter Dr Andrew Rochford has […]

Q&A How to Get Kids To Talk About Their School Day?
Something curious happens when a kid goes to school. They spend the whole day learning new stuff, sharing experiences with friends and poking around their lunchbox. Then […]

Effective head lice treatment: What you need to know
Nits. There, we said it. Go on, we’ll wait here while you go ahead and scratch your head for a bit… It’s kind of amazing […]

11 fab command centres to keep school kids organised
Mum, where’s my shoe? Have you seen my homework? I need my sports gear mum! Sound familiar? School terms can mean quieter days but frantic […]

13 fun ways to learn the first 100 sight words
We can prepare our kids for reading by helping them learn their sight words. These 100 sight words are high frequency words that make up […]

15 fun ways to celebrate going back to school
As the holidays come to an end (and you’re excitedly counting down the days till you can pack their bag and send them back to […]

14 tips to help your preschooler learn to read
Dr Seuss was on the money when he wrote, ‘The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, […]