Baby News & Research: Latest Updates & Insights
Stay updated with the latest baby news and research. Explore new studies, expert insights, and important developments in baby health, growth, and parenting. Stay informed to make the best decisions for your little one’s well-being.

Study: Screen Time ‘Significantly Impacting’ Baby Day Sleep
A new study has found that babies who watch TV or use touchscreen devices during the day have shorter daytime naps. The first-of-its-kind study discovered […]

New mums gifted baby bundle in Victoria
From this month new parents in Victoria will get a special delivery when they welcome their first bundle of joy. First-time mums and dads are […]

Study Finds Colic Doesn’t Cause Long-Term Issues in Babies
Parents of colicky babies are being reassured that the condition doesn’t cause ongoing behavioural problems with babies. New research from Melbourne’s Murdoch Children’s Research Institute […]

New research: Colic relief hope for breastfed babies
A simple probiotic could be the key to help babies with colic settle. Australian researchers have found that a particular strain of probiotic may help […]

Dads play a crucial role in reducing the risk of colic in babies
Here’s cheers to all the fabulous fathers out there, it seems your support is reducing the risk of colic in babies. And it’s not just […]

Artificial womb creates new hope for premature babies
It may sound like something out of a sci-fi flick, but scientists have managed to create a device that mimics a woman’s womb, and could eventually […]

Babies remember their first language, even if they never speak it
Babies are like sponges. They suck up information wherever they go. In their first six months, babies learn how to see in colour, smile at mum and grab […]