Parenting FAQs: Trusted Advice from Experts
Find answers to all your parenting questions with our comprehensive FAQs section. Explore expert advice on pregnancy, baby care, and parenting challenges, providing you with the information and support you need every step of the way.

Q&A: Can you leave baby in the car and pay for petrol?
To leave or not to leave, that is the question. Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting, where unfortunately everyone suddenly has an opinion or […]

Q&A: Can You Eat Subway When Pregnant?
Everyone knows that healthy eating when on the run can be tricky. Being pregnant can make it even trickier. Subway is often considered one of […]

Q&A: When do babies roll over?
There was one in the bed and the little one said roll over, roll over. After a couple of months of staring at your beautiful […]

Q&A: Is It Safe to Eat Halloumi During Pregnancy?
Halloumi. That delicious crispy outside, with the creamy saltiness on the inside – delicious! If you’re pregnant and a cheese fan, you’re probably wondering if […]

Q&A: Can you eat feta when pregnant?
Feta is one of those great cheeses to add to a salad, frittata, pizza or even just to eat as a snack. It’s super tasty […]

Q&A: When do babies sit up?
The first few months of life with your baby is a time full of firsts – first laughs, smiles, rolls. You may be starting to […]

Q&A: When Can Babies Eat Eggs?
Starting your six-month-old on solids is an exciting journey. Seeing their reactions to different textures and tastes, finding out what they do and don’t like […]

Q&A: When Do Babies Start Laughing? Key Milestones
Those first smiles are precious but the first little laughs – wow, heart explosion! There is literally no better sound in the world than the […]

Q&A: When do babies’ eyes change colour?
The eyes are often described as a window into the soul. They’re also a very defining feature so it’s little wonder you’re keen to know […]

Q&A: What Temperature Should a Baby’s Bath Be?
Rub a Dub Dub, does your bub love the tub? Bath time is often a favourite time of day for babies and parents alike – […]

Q&A: When Can Babies Eat Honey?
Honey – not only is it natural and delicious, but it also has some pretty fabulous health benefits. Before you let your little Pooh Bear […]

Q&A: How do you get rid of baby hiccups?
Those first few little newborn hiccups can be so adorable. But when the first few become what seems like a never-ending attack of the hiccups […]

Q&A: Should I Take My Own Breast Pump to Hospital?
Lots of mums invest in a breast pump before baby is born. But is it something that needs to go into the hospital bag? Will […]

Q&A: Why can’t I fit into my shoes?
Pregnancy stopping you fitting into your favourite pair of shoes? You may need to prepare for a whole new shoe wardrobe. Why do feet get […]

Q&A: Exploding Head Syndrome: Is It a Pregnancy Symptom?
It’s one of the more curious sleep-related issues you’ve probably never heard of – Exploding Head Syndrome, which, despite its name isn’t painful, but can […]